PHP code example of cbytedigital / laravel-bi-data-export

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download cbytedigital/laravel-bi-data-export library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


cbytedigital / laravel-bi-data-export example snippets

'providers' => [
    // ...

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="CbyteDigital\BiDataExport\BiDataExportServiceProvider"

class Client extends Model
    use BiExportable;

class Client extends Model
    use BiExportable;
    // Default behaviour
    public $biExportable = '*';

    // Or select specific columns
    public $biExportable = [

    // Values of hidden fields will be replaced
    public $biHidden = [

    // Define the placeholder value for hidden fields.
    // If not defined will resort to using the variable defined in the config.
    public $biHiddenText = 'REDACTED';

return [
     * Define models for exporting
     * ...
    'models' => [

     * Define tables for exporting
     * ...
    'tables' => [
        'partners' => [
            'columns' => '*'

     * Determines the export action. You can define your own implementation here.
    'export_job' => CbyteDigital\BiDataExport\Jobs\ExportBiToCsv::class,

     * Determines the export location.
    'export_disk' => env('BI_EXPORT_DISK', 's3'),

     * CSV export job delimiter value
    'export_csv_delimiter' => env('BI_EXPORT_CSV_DELIMITER', ';'),

     * Default replacement value if not overwritten by the model or tables config.
    'default_hidden_text' => env('BI_HIDDEN_TEXT', 'REDACTED'),

     * Ability to add a prefix to the filename. For example: {prefix}table.sql
    'filename_prefix' => env('BI_FILENAME_PREFIX'),

     * Ability to add a suffix to the filename. For example: table{suffix}.sql
    'filename_suffix' => env('BI_FILENAME_SUFFIX')


php artisan bi:export-data