PHP code example of caxy / php-htmldiff

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download caxy/php-htmldiff library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


caxy / php-htmldiff example snippets

use Caxy\HtmlDiff\HtmlDiff;

$htmlDiff = new HtmlDiff($oldHtml, $newHtml);
$content = $htmlDiff->build();

use Caxy\HtmlDiff\HtmlDiff;

// ...

$htmlDiff = new HtmlDiff($oldHtml, $newHtml);

// Set some of the configuration options.

// Calculate the differences using the configuration and get the html diff.
$content = $htmlDiff->build();

// ...

use Caxy\HtmlDiff\HtmlDiff;
use Caxy\HtmlDiff\HtmlDiffConfig;

// ...

$config = new HtmlDiffConfig();

// Create an HtmlDiff object with the custom configuration.
$firstHtmlDiff = HtmlDiff::create($oldHtml, $newHtml, $config);
$firstContent = $firstHtmlDiff->build();

$secondHtmlDiff = HtmlDiff::create($oldHtml2, $newHtml2, $config);

$secondContent = $secondHtmlDiff->build();

// ...

$config = new HtmlDiffConfig();
    // Percentage f the text to be diffed.
    // If true, a space will be added between the <del> and <ins> tags of text that was replaced.
    // Option to disable the new Table Diffing feature and treat tables as regular text.
    // Pass an instance of \Doctrine\Common\Cache\Cache to cache the calculated diffs.

    // Disable the HTML purifier (only do this if you known what you're doing)
    // This bundle heavily relies on the purified input from ezyang/htmlpurifier
    // Set the cache directory that HTMLPurifier should use.
    // Group consecutive deletions and insertions instead of showing a deletion and insertion for each word individually. 
    // List of characters to consider part of a single word when in the middle of text.
    ->setSpecialCaseChars(array('.', ',', '(', ')', '\''))
    // List of tags (and their replacement strings) to be diffed in isolation.
        'ol'     => '[[REPLACE_ORDERED_LIST]]',
        'ul'     => '[[REPLACE_UNORDERED_LIST]]',
        'sub'    => '[[REPLACE_SUB_SCRIPT]]',
        'sup'    => '[[REPLACE_SUPER_SCRIPT]]',
        'dl'     => '[[REPLACE_DEFINITION_LIST]]',
        'table'  => '[[REPLACE_TABLE]]',
        'strong' => '[[REPLACE_STRONG]]',
        'b'      => '[[REPLACE_B]]',
        'em'     => '[[REPLACE_EM]]',
        'i'      => '[[REPLACE_I]]',
        'a'      => '[[REPLACE_A]]',
    // Sets whether newline characters are kept or removed when `$htmlDiff->build()` is called.
    // For example, if your content