PHP code example of castroitalo / echoquery

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download castroitalo/echoquery library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


castroitalo / echoquery example snippets

// Importing library
use CastroItalo\EchoQuery\Builder;

// Instanciate class
$echo_query = new Builder();
$query = $echo_query->select(
    ['column_one', 'co'],
    ->from('table_one', 'to')

use CastroItalo\EchoQuery\Builder;

$query = (new Builder())->select(

use CastroItalo\EchoQuery\Builder;

$query = (new Builder())->select(

use CastroItalo\EchoQuery\Builder;

$query = (new Builder())->select(
    ['column_one', 'co'],
    ['column_two', 'ct'],
    ['column_three', 'ctr']

use CastroItalo\EchoQuery\Builder;

$query = (new Builder())->select(
    ['column_one', 'co'],
    ['column_two', 'ct'],
    ['column_three', 'ctr']

use CastroItalo\EchoQuery\Builder;

$query = (new Builder())->select(
    ['a.column_one', 'co'],
    ['b.column_two', 'ct'],
    ->from('table_one', 'a')
        ['table_two', 'b'],
        ['a.column_one', 'b.column_one']

use CastroItalo\EchoQuery\Builder;

$sub_query = (new Builder())->select(
    ['a.column_one', 'co'],
    ['b.column_two', 'ct'],
    ->from('table_one', 'a')
$query = (new Builder())->select(
    ['a.column_one', 'co'],
    ['b.column_two', 'ct'],
    ->from('table_one', 'a')
        [$sub_query, 'b'],
        ['a.column_one', 'b.column_one']

use CastroItalo\EchoQuery\Builder;

$union_query = (new Builder())->select(
    ['column_four', 'cfr'],
    ['column_five', 'cf'],
    ['column_six', 'cs']
    ->from('table_two', 'tt')
    ->notIn([1, 3, 4, 6])
$query = (new Builder())->select(
    ['column_one', 'co'],
    ['column_two', 'ct'],
    ['column_three', 'ctr']
    ->from('table_one', 'to')

use CastroItalo\EchoQuery\Builder;

$query = (new Builder())->select(
    ['COUNT(column_one)', 'co'],
    ['SUM(column_two)', 'ct']
    ->from('table_one', 'to')
    ->groupBy('column_one', 'column_two')

use CastroItalo\EchoQuery\Builder;

$query = (new Builder())->select(
    ['column_one', 'co'],
    ['column_two', 'ct']
    ->from('table_one', 'to')
        ['column_two', 'desc']

use CastroItalo\EchoQuery\Builder;

$query = (new Builder())->select(
    ['COUNT(column_one)', 'co'],
    ['column_two', 'ct'],
    ['column_three', 'ctr']
    ->from('table_one', 'to')

use CastroItalo\EchoQuery\Builder;

$query = (new Builder())->select(
    ['COUNT(column_one)', 'co'],
    ['column_two', 'ct'],
    ->from('table_one', 'to')