PHP code example of caseyamcl / phpoaipmh

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download caseyamcl/phpoaipmh library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


caseyamcl / phpoaipmh example snippets

// Quick and easy 'build' method 
$myEndpoint = \Phpoaipmh\Endpoint::build('');

// Or, create your own client instance and pass it to `Endpoint::__construct()` 
$client = new \Phpoaipmh\Client('');
$myEndpoint = new \Phpoaipmh\Endpoint($client);

// Result will be a SimpleXMLElement object
$result = $myEndpoint->identify();

// Results will be iterator of SimpleXMLElement objects
$results = $myEndpoint->listMetadataFormats();
foreach($results as $item) {

// Recs will be an iterator of SimpleXMLElement objects
$recs = $myEndpoint->listRecords('someMetaDataFormat');

// The iterator will continue retrieving items across multiple HTTP requests.
// You can keep running this loop through the *entire* collection you
// are harvesting.  All OAI-PMH and HTTP pagination logic is hidden neatly
// behind the iterator API.
foreach($recs as $rec) {

// Retrieve records from Jan 1, 2018 through October 1, 2018
$recs = $myEndpoint->listRecords('someMetaDataFormat', new \DateTime('2018-01-01'), new \DateTime('2018-10-01'));

foreach($recs as $rec) {

use Phpoaipmh\Client,

$client = new Client('');
$myEndpoint = new Endpoint($client, Granularity::DATE_AND_TIME);

foreach ($myEndpoint->listSets() as $set) {

foreach ($myEndpoint->listRecords('someMetadataFormat', null, null 'someSetName') as $record) {

$iterator = $myEndpoint->listRecords('someMetaDataFormat');
echo "Total count is " . ($iterator->getTotalRecordCount() ?: 'unknown');

use GuzzleHttp\Client as GuzzleClient;
use Phpoaipmh\Client;
use Phpoaipmh\Endpoint;
use Phpoaipmh\HttpAdapter\GuzzleAdapter;

$guzzle = new GuzzleAdapter(new GuzzleClient([
    'connect_timeout' => 2.0,
    'timeout'         => 10.0

$myEndpoint = new Endpoint(new Client('', $guzzle));

use Phpoaipmh\Client,

$adapter = new CurlAdapter();
$adapter->setCurlOpts([CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => 120]);
$client = new Client('', $adapter);

$myEndpoint = new Endpoint($client);

use Phpoaipmh\Client,

$adapter = new GuzzleAdapter();
$adapter->getGuzzleClient()->setDefaultOption('timeout', 120);
$client = new Client('', $adapter);

$myEndpoint = new Endpoint($client);

use GuzzleRetry\GuzzleRetryMiddleware;
use GuzzleHttp\Client as GuzzleClient;
use GuzzleHttp\HandlerStack;

// Setup the the Guzzle client with the retry middleware
$stack = HandlerStack::create();
$guzzleClient = new GuzzleClient(['handler' => $stack]);

// Setup the Guzzle adpater and PHP OAI-PMH client
$guzzleAdapter = new \Phpoaipmh\HttpAdapter\GuzzleAdapter($guzzleClient);
$client  = new \Phpoaipmh\Client('', $guzzleAdapter);

// Create a Retry Guzzle Subscriber
$retrySubscriber = new \GuzzleHttp\Subscriber\Retry\RetrySubscriber([
    'delay' => function($numRetries, \GuzzleHttp\Event\AbstractTransferEvent $event) {
        $waitSecs = $event->getResponse()->getHeader('Retry-After') ?: '5';
        return ($waitSecs * 1000) + 1000; // wait one second longer than the server said to
    'filter' => \GuzzleHttp\Subscriber\Retry\RetrySubscriber::createStatusFilter(),

// Manually create a Guzzle HTTP adapter
$guzzleAdapter = new \Phpoaipmh\HttpAdapter\GuzzleAdapter();

$client  = new \Phpoaipmh\Client('', $guzzleAdapter);

use Emarref\Guzzle\Middleware\ParamMiddleware
use GuzzleHttp\Client as GuzzleClient;
use GuzzleHttp\HandlerStack;
use GuzzleHttp\Middleware;
use Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface;

// Setup the the Guzzle stack
$stack = HandlerStack()::create();
$stack->push(new ParamMiddleware(['api_key' => 'xyz123']));

// Setup Guzzle client, adapter, and PHP OAI-PMH client
$guzzleClient = new GuzzleClient(['handler' => $stack])
$guzzleAdapter = new \Phpoaipmh\HttpAdapter\GuzzleAdapter($guzzleClient)
$client  = new \Phpoaipmh\Client('', $guzzleAdapter);

// Create a function or class to add parameters to a request
$addParamsListener = function(\GuzzleHttp\Event\BeforeEvent $event) {
   $req = $event->getRequest();
   $req->getQuery()->add('api_key', 'xyz123');

   // You could do other things to the request here, too, like adding a header..
   $req->addHeader('Some-Header', 'some-header-value');

// Manually create a Guzzle HTTP adapter
$guzzleAdapter = new \Phpoaipmh\HttpAdapter\GuzzleAdapter();
$guzzleAdapter->getGuzzleClient()->getEmitter()->on('before', $addParamsListener);

$client  = new \Phpoaipmh\Client('', $guzzleAdapter);