1. Go to this page and download the library: Download carlosafonso/thumbnailr library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards https://php-download.com/ */
carlosafonso / thumbnailr example snippets
// the path to the source image
$img = 'path/to/image.png';
// the thumbnail's dimensions
$width = 200;
$height = 100;
// instantiate the library
$thumbnailr = new \Thumbnailr\Thumbnailr($img);
* Generating the thumbnail
// this will not keep the aspect ratio (both calls are equivalent)
$thumbnailr->buildThumbnail($width, $height);
$thumbnailr->buildThumbnail($width, $height, self::SIZE_FIXED);
// keep the aspect ratio and fit the LONGEST side inside the thumbnail,
// (actual size will be smaller than specified)
$thumbnailr->buildThumbnail($width, $height, self::SIZE_FIT_LONGEST);
// keep the aspect ratio and fit the SHORTEST side inside the thumbnail size,
// (actual size will be larger than specified)
$thumbnailr->buildThumbnail($width, $height, self::SIZE_FIT_SHORTEST);
* Saving the thumbnail
// save to a PNG file, apply standard compression
// same as above specifying a compression level (higher level means smaller file size)
$thumbnailr->toPngFile('thumbnail.png', 7);
// get the thumbnail as raw binary data
$raw_png = $thumbnailr->toPngFile(NULL);
// get the PNG thumbnail as a base 64 string, apply standard compression
$png_b64 = $thumbnailr->toPngBase64();
// same as above specifying a compression level
$png_b64 = $thumbnailr->toPngBase64(4);
// save to a JPEG file, use standard quality
// same as above specifying a quality value (higher quality means larger file size)
$thumbnailr->toJpegFile('thumbnail.jpg', 80);
// get the JPEG thumbnail as a base 64 string, use standard quality
$jpeg_b64 = $thumbnailr->toJpegBase64();
// same as the above specifying a quality value
$jpeg_b64 = $thumbnailr->toJpegBase64(40);
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