PHP code example of caridea / filter

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download caridea/filter library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


caridea / filter example snippets

// let's pretend this came from $_POST
$input = [
    'name' => 'john smith  ',
    'birthday' => '1990-01-01__',
    'bio' => "Mistakenly written on Windows\r\nThat's a problem.  ",
    'friends' => 'Jane'

$registry = new \Caridea\Filter\Registry(); // you can register your own filters if you choose
$b = $registry->builder();
$b->always('name')->then('trim')->then('titlecase'); // always() will run chain even if missing from input
$b->field('birthday')->then('regex', '/[^0-9-]/', '');
$b->field('bio')->then('trim')->then('nl'); // convert to UNIX newlines
$b->always('species')->then('default', 'Homo sapiens');
$b->field('friends')->then('array')->each('trim'); // each() will run the filter on every element
// by default, all fields you don't specify are dropped.
// but! otherwise() can specify a fallback chain for any non-declared fields.
// $b->otherwise('trim')->then('default', null);
$filter = $b->build();
$output = $filter($input);

// let's pretend this came from $_POST
$input = [
    'username' => '  doublecompile  ',
    'id-0' => '1',
    'id-5' => '4',
    'id-1' => '9'

$registry = new \Caridea\Filter\Registry();
$b = $registry->builder();
$b->reducer(Combiners::appender('ids', 'id-'));
$filter = $b->build();
$output = $filter($input);