PHP code example of careset / zermelo

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download careset/zermelo library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


careset / zermelo example snippets

namespace App\Reports;
use CareSet\Zermelo\Reports\Tabular\AbstractTabularReport;

class ExampleReport extends AbstractTabularReport

    * Get the Report Name
    public function GetReportName(): string {
        return("Enter your report name here");

    * Get the Report Description, bootstrap styled html is OK
    public function GetReportDescription(): ?string {
	$desc = "This is your report description <b> HTML is fine here </b>";

    * This is what builds the report. It will accept a SQL statement or an Array of sql statements.
    * Can be used in conjunction with Inputs to determine different output based on URI parameters
    * Additional URI parameters are passed as
    *   $this->getCode() - which will give the first url segment after the report name
    *   $this->getParameters() - which will give an array of every later url segment after the getCode value
    *   $this->getInput() - which will give _GET and _POST parameters. Should also get values inside JSON that is posted... a unified view of user input
    *   $this->quote($something_you_got_from_the_user) - This wrapper to the PDO quote function is good for preventing SQL injection
    * 	$this->setInput($key,$new_value) - a way to override _GET parameters (i.e. for initializing a sort for instance)
    * 		For instance $this->setInput('order',[0 => ['order_by_me' => 'asc']]); will order the report, to start by the order_by_me column ASC. 
    *		This replicates what is being passed from the front end data tables to the backend to make sorting work.. 
    public function GetSQL()
        //replace with your own SQL
        $sql = "SELECT * FROM information_schema.TABLES";
        return $sql;

    * Each row content will be passed to MapRow.
    * Values and header names can be changed.
    * Columns cannot be added or removed
    * You can decorate fields with html, with bootstrap css styling
    public function MapRow(array $row, int $row_number) :array

                //this logic would ensure that every cell in the TABLE_NAME column, was converted to a link to
                //a table drilldown report
                $table_name = $row['TABLE_NAME'];

                $row['TABLE_NAME'] = "Gotta Love Those Row Decorations: $table_name";

                //this will make table name a link to another report
                //$row['TABLE_NAME'] = "<a href='/Zermelo/TableDrillDownReport/$table_name/'>$table_name</a>";

                //this will do the same thing, but styling the link as a bootstrap button.
                //$row['TABLE_NAME'] = "<a class='btn btn-primary btn-sm' href='/Zermelo/TableDrillDownReport/$table_name/'>$table_name</a>";

        return $row;

    * If a column needs to be forced to a certain format (i.e.ear auto-detection gets it wrong), it can be changed here
    * Tags can also be applied to each header column
    public function OverrideHeader(array &$format, array &$tags): void
    	//$tags['field_to_bold_in_report_display'] = 	['BOLD'];
        //$tags['field_to_hide_by_default'] = 		['HIDDEN'];
        //$tags['field_to_italic_in_report_display'] = 	['ITALIC'];
        //$tags['field_to_right_align_in_report'] = 	['RIGHT'];

        //How to set the format of the display
        //$format['numeric_field'] = 			'NUMBER'; // Formats number in table using commas, and right-aligns
        //$format['decimal_field'] = 			'DECIMAL'; // Formats decimal to 4 places, and right-aligns
        //$format['currency_field'] = 	    'CURRENCY'; // adds $ or Eurosign and right align
        //$format['percent_field'] = 			'PERCENT'; // adds % in the right place and right align
        //$format['url_field'] = 			    'URL'; // auto-link using <a href='$url_field'>$url_field</a>
        //$format['date_field'] = 			'DATE'; // future date display
        //$format['datetime_field'] = 		'DATETIME'; //future date time display
        //$format['time_field'] = 			'TIME'; // future time display
        //$format['row_summary_field'] =		['DETAIL']; // this field will be shown with a + sign in the column. 
                                        //pressing the plus will create a new row in the table
                                        //that shows the actual contents of this column.

    * Header Format 'auto-detection' can be changed per report.
    * it is based on seeing the strings below in a field name... it will then assume it should be styled accordingly
    * So it a column label is 'very_good_num' or 'this num' will be matched by 'num' but 'number' will not work.
    * so it is matched on ignore case on a column name segment, not on substring...
    * By default, these are the column formats -
    *   public $DETAIL     = ['Sentence'];
        *       public $URL        = ['URL'];
        *       public $CURRENCY   = ['Amt','Amount','Paid','Cost'];
        *       public $NUMBER     = ['id','#','Num','Sum','Total','Cnt','Count'];
        *       public $DECIMAL    = ['Avg','Average'];
        *       public $PERCENT    = ['Percent','Ratio','Perentage'];
        *       It detects the column by using 'word' matching, separated white spaces or _.
        *       Example: TABLE_ROWS - ['TABLE','ROWS']
        *       It will also check the full column name
    public $NUMBER     = ['ROWS','AVG','LENGTH','DATA_FREE'];

    * By Default, any numeric field will have statistical information will be passed on. AVG/STD/MIN/MAX/SUM
    * Any Text column will have distinct count information passed on.
    * Any Date will have MIN/MAX/AVG
    * This field will add a "NO_SUMMARY" field to the column header to suggest the data not be displayed
    public $SUGGEST_NO_SUMMARY = ['ID'];

    * Want to use your own blade file for the report front-end?
    * You can customize the report view based on the report
    * When this is set to null, the report will use the view defined in the configuration file.
        public $REPORT_VIEW = null;

    * Get Indexes for cache table
    * Because results are saved to a cache table, and then exported from there later searching, using the front end... can be very slow
    * This returns an array of Index commands that will be run against the cache table
    * because we do not know the name of the cache table in advance, these index commands must use the string '{{_CACHE_TABLE_}}' instead of
    * the name of a specific table...
    public function GetIndexSQL(): ?array {

                $index_sql = [
"ALTER TABLE {{_CACHE_TABLE_}}  ADD INDEX(`database_name`);",
// you can uncomment this line to enable the default report to automatically index the resulting cached table
//                return($index_sql);

                //returning null here results in no indexing happening on the cached results table

     * @return null|string
     * Return the footer of the report. This string will be placed in the footer element
     * at the bottom of the page. 
    public function GetReportFooter(): ?string
        $footer = <<<FOOTER
            <p>Made with love by CareSet</>

        return $footer;
     * @return null|string
     * Add a string here to put in the class of the footer element of the report layout
    public function GetReportFooterClass(): ?string
        // Add "fixed centered" to have your footer fixed to the bottom, and/or centered
        // This will be put in the class= attribute of the footer
        return "";

     * @return null|string
     * This will place the enclosed Javascript in a <script> tag just before
     * the body of your view. Note, there is no need to 

    $ php artisan route:list | grep Zermelo
|        | GET|HEAD | Zermelo/{report_key}                                 |
|        | GET|HEAD | ZermeloCard/{report_key}                             |
|        | GET|HEAD | ZermeloGraph/{report_key}                            |
|        | GET|HEAD | api/Zermelo/{report_key}/Download/{parameters?}      |
|        | GET|HEAD | api/Zermelo/{report_key}/Summary/{parameters?}       |
|        | GET|HEAD | api/Zermelo/{report_key}/{parameters?}               | 
|        | GET|HEAD | api/ZermeloGraph/{report_key}/Download/{parameters?} |
|        | GET|HEAD | api/ZermeloGraph/{report_key}/{parameters?}          |

@if ($extra_var === true)
<p>ExtraVar Is True!</p>
