PHP code example of carandclassic / talkjs
1. Go to this page and download the library: Download carandclassic/talkjs library . Choose the download type require .
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards */
carandclassic / talkjs example snippets
use CarAndClassic\TalkJS\TalkJSClient;
$appId = 'my_app_id';
$secretKey = 'my_secret_key';
$talkJSClient = new TalkJSClient($appId, $secretKey);
$talkJSClient = app()->make(TalkJSClient::class, ['appId' => 'my_custom_app_id', 'secretKey' => 'my_custom_secret_key']);
$filters = [
'limit' => 50,
'startingAfter' => 'latestMessageId'
$appId = 'YOUR_APP_ID';
$secretKey = 'YOUR_SECRET_KEY';
$talkJSClient = new TalkJSClient($appId, $secretKey);
$talkJSClient->users->createOrUpdate('my_custom_id', [
"name" => "Alice",
"email" => ["[email protected] "],
"welcomeMessage" => "Welcome!",
"photoUrl" => "https =>//",
"role" => "buyer",
"phone" => ["+1123456789"],
"custom" => [
"foo" => "bar"
$talkJSClient->conversations->createOrUpdate('my_conversation_id', [
'subject' => 'My new conversation',
'participants' => ['my_user_id_1', 'my_user_id_2'],
'welcomeMessages' => ['Welcome!'],
'custom' => ['test' => 'test'],
'photoUrl' => null
$talkJSClient->conversations->join('my_conversation_id', 'my_user_id');
$talkJSClient->conversations->leave('my_conversation_id', 'my_user_id');
$notify = true; // Boolean, default true
$access = 'ReadWrite'; // ReadWrite or Read, default ReadWrite
$talkJSClient->conversations->updateParticipation('my_conversation_id', 'my_user_id', $notify, $access);
$custom = [
'foo' => 'bar'
$talkJSClient->messages->get('my_conversation_id', $filters);
$talkJSClient->messages->find('my_conversation_id', 'message_id');
$talkJSClient->messages->postSystemMessage('my_conversation_id', $text, $custom);
$talkJSClient->messages->postUserMessage('my_conversation_id', $username, $text, $custom);
$talkJSClient->messages->edit('my_conversation_id', 'message_id', $text, $custom);
$talkJSClient->messages->delete('my_conversation_id', 'message_id');
php artisan vendor:publish --provider=CarAndClassic\\TalkJS\\Providers\\TalkJSServiceProvider