PHP code example of cantie / app-store-connect-api

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download cantie/app-store-connect-api library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


cantie / app-store-connect-api example snippets

use AppleClient;
use AppleService_AppStore;
use Cantie\AppStoreConnect\Services\AppStore\CustomerReviewResponseV1CreateRequest;

$client = new AppleClient();

$appstore = new AppleService_AppStore($client);
// Get apps by Bundle ID
$results = $appstore->apps->listApps([
    "filter[bundleId]" => "YOUR_BUNDLE_ID" // filter LIKE

// Get all customer reviews for each app
foreach ($results->getData() as $app) {
    $appCustomerReviews = $appstore->apps->listAppsCustomerReviews($app->getId());
    foreach ($appCustomerReviews as $appCustomerReview) {
        // Print all reviewer's nickname
        $appCustomerReview->getAttributes()->getReviewerNickName(), "<br /> \n";

        // Get response for this review
        $customerReviewResponseV1Response = $appstore->customerReviews->getCustomerReviewsResponse($appCustomerReview->getId());

        // Create or update response for this review
        $postBody = new CustomerReviewResponseV1CreateRequest([
            'data' => [
                'attributes' => [
                    'responseBody' => "YOUR_REPLY_TEXT_HERE"
                'relationships' => [
                    'review' => [
                        'data' => [
                            'id' => $appCustomerReview->getId()
        $customerReviewResponseV1Response = $appstore->customerReviewResponses->createCustomerReviewResponses($postBody);

        // Or just delete the response if existed

use AppleClient;

$client = new AppleClient();
// Optional: create new JWT token. If skip this step, token are auto generated when first request are sent

use AppleService_AppStore;
// All resources and their methods parameters are listed in src/Service/AppStore.php
$appstore = new AppleService_AppStore($client);
// Make request, for example we call request for an Apps's resources
$appstore->apps->listAppsAppStoreVersions($APP_ID_HERE, $OPTIONAL_PARAMS);

$classMap = [
    'Cantie\\AppStoreConnect\\Client' => 'AppleClient',
    'Cantie\\AppStoreConnect\\Service' => 'AppleService',
    'Cantie\\AppStoreConnect\\Services\\AppStore' => 'AppleService_AppStore',
    'Cantie\\AppStoreConnect\\Services\\Upload' => 'AppleService_Upload'

// Firstly, we get app screenshot set step by step, we can reduce steps by creenshotCreateRequest;
use Cantie\AppStoreConnect\Services\AppStore\AppScreenshotUpdateRequest;

$appId = $app->getId(); // $app from previous example
$appStoreVersions = $appstore->apps->listAppsAppStoreVersions($appId);
// Get first app store version id;
$appStoreVersionId = $appStoreVersions->getData()[0]->getId();
// Get list localizations of this version
$appStoreVersionLocalizations = $appstore->appStoreVersions->listAppStoreVersionsAppStoreVersionLocalizations($appStoreVersionId);
// Get first localization id
$appStoreVersionLocalizationId = $appStoreVersionLocalizations->getData()[0]->getId();
// Get list app screenshot sets for this localization
$appScreenshotSets = $appstore->appStoreVersionLocalizations->listAppStoreVersionLocalizationsAppScreenshotSets($appStoreVersionLocalizationId);
// Get first set id
$appScreenshotSetId = $appScreenshotSets->getData()[0]->getId();

// Now, we make an asset reservation
$fileName = "YOUR_FILE_NAME";
$filePath = "FULL_PATH_TO_YOUR_FILE" . $fileName;
$requestCreateAppScreenshot = new AppScreenshotCreateRequest([
    'data' => [
        'type' => 'appScreenshots',
        'attributes' => [
            'fileSize' => filesize($filePath),
            'fileName' => $fileName
        'relationships' => [
            'appScreenshotSet' => [
                'data' => [
                    'type' => 'appScreenshotSets',
                    'id' => $appScreenshotSetId
// Create new app screenshot
$appScreenshot = $appstore->appScreenshots->createAppScreenshots($requestCreateAppScreenshot);
$appScreenshotId = $appScreenshot->getData()->getId();
// Follow instruction from UploadOperation[] return in $appScreenshot to upload part or whole asset file
// We can upload parts of your asset concurrently
foreach ($appScreenshot->getData()->getAttributes()->getUploadOperations() as $uploadOperation) {
    $upload = new AppleService_Upload($client, $uploadOperation); // $client from above example
    $ret = $upload->uploadAssets->upload($uploadOperation, $filePath);
// Finally, commit the reservation
$appScreenshotUpdateRequest = new AppScreenshotUpdateRequest([
    'data' => [
        'type' => 'appScreenshots',
        'id' => $appScreenshotId,
        'attributes' => [
            'sourceFileChecksum' => md5_file($filePath),
            'uploaded' => true
$ret = $appstore->appScreenshots->updateAppScreenshots($appScreenshotId, $appScreenshotUpdateRequest); 

use Cantie\AppStoreConnect\Services\AppStore\AppScreenshotUpdateRequest;
$appScreenshotUpdateRequest = new AppScreenshotUpdateRequest([
    'data' => [
        'type' => 'appScreenshots',
        'id' => $appScreenshotId,
        'attributes' => [
            'sourceFileChecksum' => md5_file($filePath),
            'uploaded' => true

public function generateToken()
    $tokenGenerator = new Generate($this->getApiKey(), $this->getKeyIdentifier(), $this->getIssuerId());
    $jwtToken = $tokenGenerator->generateToken();
    // cache for 10 minutes
    $this->jwtToken = $jwtToken;
    $this->jwtTokenExpTime = (new DateTime())->modify("+10 minutes")->getTimestamp();
    return $jwtToken;