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californiamountainsnake / longmantelegrambot-inlinemenu example snippets
// Create your own Telegram class:
class MyTelegram extends InlineMenuTelegram
// somewhere in the webhook.php:
$telegram = new MyTelegram($bot_api_key, $bot_username);
$menu = new Menu('Top root menu', 'root', [
InlineButton::startCommand('Help!', 'help'),
InlineButton::url('It\'s google', 'https://google.ru'),
InlineButton::toast('toast_identifier', 'Toast text!'),
new Menu('Sub menu', 'submenu', [
InlineButton::toast('sub_menu_toast', 'Submenu toast!'),
InlineButton::menuSection('<< Back', Menu::path('root'))
// You must call this method once only on the your TOP level menu object.
class CallbackqueryCommand extends InlineMenuCallbackqueryCommand
protected function getRootMenu(): Menu
// return the Menu object from the previous step
return new Menu (...);
$menu = new Menu (...);
$inlineKeyboard = $menu->getInlineKeyboard();
'chat_id' => 'some_chat_id',
'text' => 'This is menu!',
'reply_markup' => $inlineKeyboard,
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