PHP code example of cakasim / payone-sdk

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download cakasim/payone-sdk library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


cakasim / payone-sdk example snippets

$sdk = new Sdk();

// Create the SDK container builder which lets you provide custom bindings
$containerBuilder = new ContainerBuilder();
$container = $containerBuilder->getContainer();

// Use the methods of $container to override default bindings ...

// For example, provide your own PSR-18 HTTP client implementation
$container->bind(\Psr\Http\Client\ClientInterface::class, MyPsr18Client::class);

// Or use an already instantiated PSR-3 logger, maybe provided by you
// or any PSR-3 compatible third-party package like monolog/monolog.
// Assume $logger is any PSR-3 compatible logger instance.
$container->bindInstance(\Psr\Log\LoggerInterface::class, $logger);

// Finally, construct the SDK and provide your customized container
$sdk = new Sdk($containerBuilder->buildContainer());

// Assume $existingContainer is an already configured container
$sdk = new Sdk($existingContainer);

$config = $sdk->getConfig();

// Your API credentials
$config->set('api.merchant_id', 'your_merchant_id');
$config->set('api.portal_id', 'your_portal_id');
$config->set('api.sub_account_id', 'your_sub_account_id');
$config->set('api.key', 'your_api_key');

// General API config options
$config->set('api.integrator_name', 'YourProjectName');
$config->set('api.integrator_version', '1.0.0');

// The redirect URL template, $token will be replaced by the actual token value.
$config->set('redirect.url', '$token');

// Redirect token security settings
$config->set('redirect.token_encryption_key', 'your_secret_encryption_key');
$config->set('redirect.token_signing_key', 'your_secret_signing_key');

// Create your request / response objects
$response = new \Cakasim\Payone\Sdk\Api\Message\Response();
$request = new \Cakasim\Payone\Sdk\Api\Message\Payment\AuthorizationRequest([
    // Perform a pre-authorization which reserves the amount,
    // a follow-up request will be necessary to actually capture the amount
    'request' => 'preauthorization',

    // Set the type of payment to debit payment
    'clearingtype' => 'elv',

    // Set the IBAN for the debit payment
    // Here you may generate a valid test IBAN:
    'iban' => 'DE91500105176688925818',

// Set the transaction currency

// Set amount to 15049 fractional monetary units of transaction currency,
// for currency EUR this represents 150,49 €

// Set your transaction reference which identifies the transaction
// in your system (e.g. the order number within an online shop)

// Send the request to PAYONE
$sdk->getApiService()->sendRequest($request, $response);

// Do something with the response
echo serialize($response);

// Register notification handlers
$sdk->getNotificationService()->registerHandler(new class() implements HandlerInterface {
    public function handleNotification(ContextInterface $context): void
        $message = $context->getMessage();

        if ($message instanceof TransactionStatusInterface) {
            // handle the TX status notification
            echo "Received TX action {$message->getAction()}";

// Get the server request factory to create a request from the current environment
/** @var ServerRequestFactoryInterface $requestFactory */
$requestFactory = $sdk->getContainer()->get(ServerRequestFactoryInterface::class);
$request = $requestFactory->createServerRequest($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'], $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], $_SERVER);

// Process the server request

use Cakasim\Payone\Sdk\Api\Message\Parameter\BackUrlAwareInterface;
use Cakasim\Payone\Sdk\Api\Message\Parameter\ErrorUrlAwareInterface;
use Cakasim\Payone\Sdk\Api\Message\Parameter\SuccessUrlAwareInterface;
use Cakasim\Payone\Sdk\Api\Message\Payment\AuthorizationRequest;

// Use an inline class to customize the API request.
// The inline class is tagged with the interfaces to support redirect URL parameters.
// This is how the SDK knows which redirect URL parameters are supported and should
// be added to the request by passing it to applyRedirectParameters() later on.
$request = new class() extends AuthorizationRequest
    implements SuccessUrlAwareInterface, ErrorUrlAwareInterface, BackUrlAwareInterface {

    public function __construct()
            // Perform an authorization of a credit card payment,
            // this means the card will be charged immediately.
            'request'      => 'authorization',
            'clearingtype' => 'cc',

            // This identifies the credit card of your customer and is valid within your account scope only.
            // You will obtain this value during a credit card check which should be done in the context
            // of the PAYONE Client API (e.g. in the browser of the customer). This is good for you because
            // you are not getting in touch with the actual credit card data of your customer.
            'pseudocardpan' => '...',

        // Set other mandatory parameters

// Use an inline class to customize the API response
$response = new class() extends \Cakasim\Payone\Sdk\Api\Message\Response {
    public function getRedirectUrl(): ?string
        // Return a valid redirect URL or null
        return $this->getStatus() === 'REDIRECT'
            ? $this->getParameter('redirecturl')
            : null;

// Add redirect parameters to the request
$sdk->getRedirectService()->applyRedirectParameters($request, [
    // Provide any custom payload data and encode it securely within the token value
    'order_id' => '9Z8Y7X6W5V',
    // ...

// Send API request to PAYONE
$sdk->getApiService()->sendRequest($request, $response);

// Get the redirect URL. The value can be null which (in this particular case)
// indicates that no redirect is necessary because not every credit card payment
// authorization 

use Cakasim\Payone\Sdk\Redirect\Context\ContextInterface;
use Cakasim\Payone\Sdk\Redirect\Handler\HandlerInterface;

// Get the token from the request URL
$token = '...';

$handler = new class() implements HandlerInterface {
    public function handleRedirect(ContextInterface $context): void
        // Get the decoded token from the redirect context
        $token = $context->getToken();

        // Read your custom token payload data
        $orderId = $token->get('order_id');

        // Proceed with your business logic ...
