PHP code example of cacing69 / cquery

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download cacing69/cquery library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


cacing69 / cquery example snippets

$html = file_get_contents("src/Samples/sample.html");
$data = new Cacing69\Cquery\Cquery($html);

$result = $query
        ->from("#lorem .link") // next will be from("(#lorem .link) as el")
            "h1 as title",
            "a as description",
            "attr(href, a) as url", // get href attribute from all element at #lorem .link a
            "attr(class, a) as class"
        // just imagine this is your table, and every element as your column
        ->filter("attr(class, a)", "has", "vip") // add some filter here
        // ->orFilter("attr(class, a)", "has", "super") // add another condition its has OR condition SQL
        // ->filter("attr(class, a)", "has", "blocked") // add another condition its has AND condition SQL
        ->get(); // -> return type is \Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection

$html = file_get_contents("src/Samples/sample.html");
$data = new Cacing69\Cquery\Cquery($html);

$result = $query
            from (#lorem .link)
              h1 as title,
              a as description,
              attr(href, a) as url,
              attr(class, a) as class
              attr(class, a) has 'vip'

use Cacing69\Cquery\Definer;
$html = file_get_contents("src/Samples/sample.html");
$data = new Cacing69\Cquery\Cquery($html);

$result_1 = $data
          ->from("#lorem .link")
              "upper(h1) as title_upper",
              new Definer( "a", "col_2", function($value) use ($date) {
                  return "{$value} fetched on: {$date}";
          ->filter("attr(class, a)", "has", "vip")
          ->get() // -> return type is \Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection

// another example, filter with closure
$result_2 = $data
            ->from("#lorem .link")
            ->define("reverse(h1) as title", "attr(href, a) as url")
            ->filter("h1", function ($e) {
                return $e->text() === "Title 3";
            ->get() // -> return type is \Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection

// another example, to load data from url used browserkit

$url = "";
$data = new Cquery($url);

$result_3 = $data
        "td:nth-child(1) as ip_address",
        "td:nth-child(4) as country",
        "td:nth-child(7) as https",
    )->filter('td:nth-child(7)', "=", "no")
    ->get() // -> return type is \Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection

// another example, to load data from url used browserkit

$url = "";
$data = new Cquery($url);

$result_4 = $data
              ->from(".col-md-8 > .quote")
                  "span.text as text",
                  "span:nth-child(2) > small as author",
                  "append_node(div > .tags, a)  as tags",
              ->get() // -> return type is \Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection

// another example, to load data from url used browserkit

$url = "";
$data = new Cquery($url);

$result_5 = $data
              ->from(".col-md-8 > .quote")
                  "span.text as text",
                  "append_node(div > .tags, a) as tags.key", // grab child `a` on element `div > .tags` and place it into tags['key']
              ->get() // -> return type is \Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection

// another example, to load data from url used browserkit

$url = "";
$data = new Cquery($url);

$result_6 = $data
              ->from(".col-md-8 > .quote")
                  "span.text as text",
                  "append_node(div > .tags, a) as _tags",
                  "append_node(div > .tags, a) as tags.*.text",
                  "append_node(div > .tags, attr(href, a)) as tags.*.url", // [*] means each index, for now ots limitd only one level
              ->get() // -> return type is \Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection

  // how to use replace with single string
  $content = file_get_contents(SAMPLE_HTML);

  $data = new Cquery($content);

  $result = $data
      ->from(".col-md-8 > .quote")
          "replace('The', 'Lorem', span.text) as text",

  // how to use replace with array arguments
  $data_2 = new Cquery($content);

  $result = $data_2
      ->from(".col-md-8 > .quote")
          "replace(['The', 'are'], ['Please ', 'son'], span.text) as text",
          // "replace(['The', 'are'], ['Please'], span.text) as text", // or you can do this if just want to use single replacement

  // how to use replace with array arguments and single replacement
  $data_3 = new Cquery($simpleHtml);

  $result = $data_3
      ->from("#lorem .link")
      ->define("replace(['Title', '331'], 'LOREM', h1)  as title")

    ...->eachItem(function ($item, $i){
      $item["price"] = $i == 2 ? 1000 : $resultDetail["price"];

      return $item;

    ...->onObtainedResults(function ($results){
      // u can do any operation here

      return  array_map(function ($_item) use ($results) {
          $_item["sub"] = [
              "foo" => "bar"

          return $_item;
      }, $results);

  use Cacing69\Cquery\Cquery;
  use React\EventLoop\Loop;
  use React\Http\Browser;
  use Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface;

  $url = "";

  $data = new Cquery($url);

  $loop = Loop::get();
  $client = new Browser($loop);

  // detail is on another page
  $result = $data
                ".car-model-link > a as name",
                "replace('../', '', attr(href, .car-model-link > a)) as url",
            ->filter("attr(href, .car-model-link > a)", "!=", "#")
            ->onObtainedResults(function ($results) use ($loop, $client){
                // I've come across a maximum threshold of 25 chunk, when I input 30, there is some null data.
                $results = array_chunk($results, 25);

                foreach ($results as $key => $_chunks) {
                    foreach ($_chunks as $_key => $_result) {
                        ->then(function (ResponseInterface $response) use (&$results, $key, $_key) {
                            $detail = new Cquery((string) $response->getBody());

                            $resultDetail = $detail
                                    ".specleft tr:nth-child(1) > as price"

                            $results[$key][$_key]["price"] = $resultDetail["price"];

                return $results;

  $url = "";
  $data = new Cquery($url);

  $result = $data
    ->onContentLoaded(function (HttpBrowser $browser) {
        $browser->submitForm("Generate random list", [
            "limit" => 5,

        return $browser;
    ->from("section > article")
        "ol > li > a as user_agent",


  $url = "";
  $data = new Cquery($url);

  $result = $data
      ->onContentLoaded(function (HttpBrowser $browser, Crawler $crawler) {
          // This is a native function available in the dom-crawler.
          $form = new Form($crawler->filter("#searchform")->getNode(0), $url);

          $browser->submit($form, [
              "search" => "sambas",
          return $browser;
          "title as title",

$url = "";
$data = new Cquery($url);

$result = $data
    ->onContentLoaded(function (HttpBrowser $browser, Crawler $crawler) {
        $browser->clickLink("Bahasa Indonesia (id)");
        return $browser;
        "h2 as text",