1. Go to this page and download the library: Download c14r/directus-api library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards https://php-download.com/ */
c14r / directus-api example snippets
use C14r\Directus\API;
$api = new API('http://example.com/api/', 'v1'); // base Url and project
// Retrieve a Temporary Access Token
$api->authenticate('username', '********');
// Using Static token
$items = $api->items($collection)->get();
if($api->isError($items)) {
// The request failed.
// List the Items
$items = $api->items($collection)->get();
// Retrieve an Item
$item = $api->item($collection, $id)->get();
// Create an Item
'title' => 'The Title!',
'status' => 'draft'
// Update an Item
$api->item($collection, $id)->update([
'title' => 'The new Title!'
// Delete an Item
$api->item($collection, $id)->delete();
// List Item Revisions
$revisions = $api->itemRevisions($collection, $id)->get();
// Retrieve an Item Revision
$revision = $api->itemRevision($collection, $id, $offset)->get();
// Revert to a Given Revision
$api->itemRevert($collection, $id, $revision)->update();
// List the files.
$files = $api->files()->get();
// Retrieve a File
$file = $api->file($id)->get();
// Create a File
'data' => base64_encode(file_get_contents('./file.pdf'))
// Update a File
'data' => base64_encode(file_get_contents('./file.pdf'))
// Delete a File
// Get an asset
$asset = $api->asset($private_hash)->get();
// or using key, w, h, f, q
$asset = $api->asset($private_hash)->queries([
'key' => $key,
'w' => 100,
'h' => 100,
'f' => 'crop',
'q' => 80
// List Activity Actions
$activities = $api->activities()->get();
// Retrieve an Activity Action
$activity = $api->activity($id)->get();
// Create a Comment
'collection' => $collection,
'id' => $id,
'comment' => 'The body of the comment.'
// Update a Comment
'comment' => 'The new body of the comment.'
// Delete a Comment
// List Collections
$collections = $api->collections()->get();
// Retrieve a Collection
$collection = $api->collection($collection)->get();
// Create a Collection
'collection' => 'my_collection',
'fields' => [
'field' => 'id',
'type' => 'integer',
'datatype' => 'int',
'length' => 11,
'interface' => 'numeric',
'primary_key' => true
// Update a Collection
$collection = $api->collection($collection)->update([
'note' => 'This is my first collection'
// Delete a Collection
$collection = $api->collection($collection)->delete();
// List the Collection Presets
$presets = $api->presets()->get();
// Retrieve a Collection Preset
$preset = $api->preset($id)->get();
// Create a Collection Preset
'collection' => $collection,
'title' => 'Title'
// ...
// Update a Collection Preset
'collection' => $collection,
'title' => 'New Title'
// Delete a Collection Preset
// List Interfaces
$interfaces = $api->interfaces()->get();
// List Layouts
$layouts = $api->layouts()->get();
// List Modules
$modules = $api->modules()->get();
// List Fields
$fields = $api->fields()->get();
// List Fields in Collection
$fields = $api->fields($collection)->get();
// Retrieve a Field
$field = $api->field($collection, $field)->get();
// Create a Field
'field' => 'test',
'type' => 'string',
'datatype' => 'VARCHAR',
'length' => 255,
'interface' => 'text-input'
// Update a Field
$api->field($collection, $field)->update([
'note' => 'Enter the title here.'
// Delete a Field
$api->field($collection, $field)->delete();
// List the Folders
$folders = $api->folders()->get();
// Retrieve a Folder
$folder = $api->folder($id)->get();
// Create a Folder
'name' => 'Amsterdam'
// Update a Folder
'parent_folder' => 3
// Delete a Folder
// Send an Email
'to' => [
'[email protected]',
'[email protected]'
'subject' => 'New Password',
'body' => 'Hello <b>{{name}}</b>, this is your new password: {{password}}.',
'type' => 'html',
'data' => [
'name' => 'John Doe',
'password' => 'secret'
// List the Permissions
$permissions = $api->permissions()->get();
// Retrieve a Permission
$permission = $api->permission($id)->get();
// List the Current User's Permissions
$permissions = $api->myPermissions()->get();
// List the Current User's Permissions for Given Collection
$permission = $api->myPermission($collection)->get();
// Create a Permission
'collection' => 'customers',
'role' => 3,
'read' => 'mine',
'read_field_blacklist' => ['featured_image']
// Update a Permission
'read' => 'full'
// Delete a Permission
// List Available Projects
$projects = $api->projects()->get();
// Retrieve Project Info
$project = $api->project($project)->get();
// Create a Project
'project' => 'thumper',
'super_admin_token' => 'very_secret_token',
'db_name' => 'db',
'db_user' => 'root',
'db_password' => 'root',
'user_email' => '[email protected]',
'user_password' => 'password'
// Delete a Project
$api->projects($project)->delete(); // There should be no s in 'projects', but unfortunately it has to be there because of the different endpoints :(
// List the Relations
$relations = $api->relations()->get();
// Retrieve a Relation
$relation = $api->relation($id)->get();
// Create a Relation
'collection_many' => 'articles',
'field_many' => 'author',
'collection_one' => 'authors',
'field_one' => 'books'
// Update a Relation
'field_one' => 'books'
// Delete a Relation
// List the Revisions
$revisions = $api->revisions()->get();
// Retrieve a Revision
$revision = $api->revision($id)->get();
// List the Roles
$roles = $api->roles()->get();
// Retrieve a Role
$role = $api->role($id)->get();
// Create a Role
'name' => 'Interns'
// Update a Role
'description' => 'Limited access only.'
// Delete a Role
// List SCIM Users
$users = $api->scimUsers()->get();
// Retrieve a SCIM User
$user = $api->scimUser($external_id)->get();
// Create a SCIM User
'schemas' => [
'userName' => '[email protected]',
'externalId' => 'johndoe-id',
'name' => [
'familyName' => 'Doe',
'givenName' => 'John'
// Update a SCIM User
'schemas' => [
'name' => [
'familyName' => 'Doe',
'givenName' => 'Johnathan'
// Delete a SCIM User
// List the SCIM Groups
$groups = $api->scimGroups()->get();
// Retrieve a SCIM Group
$group = $api->scimGroup($id)->get();
// Create a SCIM Group
'schemas' => [
'displayName' => 'Editors',
'externalId' => 'editors-id'
// Update a SCIM Group
'schemas' => [
'displayName' => 'Writers'
// Delete a SCIM Group
// Retrieve Server Info
$info = $api->info($super_admin_token)->get();
// Ping the server
$pong = $api->ping()->get();
// List the Settings
$settings = $api->settings()->get();
// Retrieve a Setting
$setting = $api->setting($id)->get();
// Create a Setting
'key' => 'my_custom_setting',
// 'value' => 12
// Update a Setting
'value' => 15
// Delete a Setting
// List the users
$users = $api->users()->get();
// Retrieve a User
$user = $api->user($id)->get();
// Retrieve the Current User
$me = $api->me()->get();
// Create a User
'first_name' => 'Ben',
'last_name' => 'Haynes',
'email' => '[email protected]',
'password' => 'd1r3ctu5',
'role' => 3,
'status' => 'active'
// Update a User
'status' => 'suspended'
// Delete a User
// Invite a New User
$api->invite('[email protected]')->create();
// Accept User Invite
// Track the Last Used Page
$api->trackingPage($id, '/thumper/settings/')->update();
// List User Revisions
$revisions = $api->userRevisions($id)->get();
// Retrieve a User Revision
$revision = $api->userRevision($id, $offset)->get();
// Create a Hash
$hash = $api->hash('Directus')->create();
// Verify a Hashed String
$valid = $api->hashMatch('Directus', $hash)->create();
// Generate a Random String
$string = $api->randomString($length)->create();
// Generate a 2FA Secret
$secret = $api->secret()->get();