PHP code example of bytestechnolabs / datagrid

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download bytestechnolabs/datagrid library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


bytestechnolabs / datagrid example snippets

 artisan storage:link

use Datagrid\Facades\DataGridFacade;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Session;

public function index()
    // Define the unique session key
    $sessionKey = config('datagrid.User_SessionKey');
    // Retrieve the selected columns from the session
    $columns = Session::get($sessionKey);
    // Use default columns if session data is not set
    if ($columns === null) {
        $columns = config('datagrid.users_columns');
        Session::put($sessionKey, $columns);

    // Get all available columns
    $columnsAll = config('datagrid.users_columns');

    // Render the data grid
    $dataGrid = DataGridFacade::model(User::class)

    return view('your blade file', ['dataGrid' => $dataGrid]);

// Define the unique session key
$sessionKey = config('datagrid.User_SessionKey');

// Retrieve the selected columns from the session
$columns = Session::get($sessionKey);

// Use default columns if session data is not set
if ($columns === null) {
    $columns = config('datagrid.users_columns');
    Session::put($sessionKey, $columns);

// Get all available columns
$columnsAll = config('datagrid.users_columns');

// Render the data grid
$dataGrid = DataGridFacade::model(User::class)

return view('test', ['dataGrid' => $dataGrid]);

'users_columns' => [

'User_unique_column' => 'email',

'User_SessionKey' => 'user_columns',

'User_has_edit_option' => false,

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