PHP code example of byjg / sms-client

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download byjg/sms-client library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


byjg / sms-client example snippets

// Register the provider and associate with a scheme

// Create a provider
$provider = ProviderFactory::create(new Uri("twilio://$accountSid:$authToken@default"));

// Send a message
$response = $byjg->send("12221234567", (new \ByJG\SmsClient\Message("This is a test message")->withSender("+12223217654"));

// Check if the message was sent
if ($response->isSent()) {
    echo "Message sent";
} else {
    echo "Message not sent";

// Register the provider and associate with a scheme

// Define the provider according to the country prefix
ProviderFactory::registerServices("twilio://accoundId:authToken@default", ["+1"]);
ProviderFactory::registerServices("byjg://username:password@default", ["+55"]);

// Send a message and select the provider according to the country prefix
$response = ProviderFactory::createAndSend("+5521900001234", (new \ByJG\SmsClient\Message("This is a test message")));

$response = ProviderFactory::createAndSend("+12221234567", (new \ByJG\SmsClient\Message("This is a test message"))->withSender("+12223217654"));

interface ProviderInterface
    public static function schema();

    public function setUp(Uri $uri);

    public function send($to, Message $envelope): ReturnObject;