PHP code example of byjg / phpthread

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download byjg/phpthread library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


byjg / phpthread example snippets

// Method to be executed in a thread
$threadClousure = function ($t)
        echo "Starint thread #$t" . PHP_EOL;;
        sleep(1 * rand(1, 5));
        for ($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++)
            echo "Hello from thread #$t, i=$i" . PHP_EOL;
        echo "Ending thread #$t" . PHP_EOL;
        return $t;

// Create the Threads passing a callable
$thread1 = new ByJG\PHPThread\Thread( $threadClousure );
$thread2 = new ByJG\PHPThread\Thread( $threadClousure );

// Start the threads and passing parameters

// Wait the threads to finish

// Get the thread result
echo "Thread Result 1: " . $thread1->getResult();
echo "Thread Result 2: " . $thread2->getResult();

// Create a instance of the ThreadPool
$threadPool = new \ByJG\PHPThread\ThreadPool();

// Create and queue the threads with call parameters
$threadPool->queueWorker( $threadClousure, [ 1 ]);
$threadPool->queueWorker( $threadClousure, [ 2 ]);

// Starts all the threads in the queue

// Add more workers after the pool is started:
$threadPool->queueWorker( $threadClousure, [ 3 ]);
$threadPool->queueWorker( $threadClousure, [ 4 ]);

// Wait until there is no more active workers

// Get the return value from the thread.
foreach ($threadPool->getThreads() as $thid) {
    echo 'Result: ' . $threadPool->getThreadResult($thid) . "\n";

echo "\n\nEnded!\n";

$thread = new \ByJG\PHPThread\Thread([$someinstance, $somemethod]);
        'max-size' => 0x100000,
        'default-permission' => '0700'

$thr = new ByJG\PHPThread\Thread(array('classname', 'methodname'));

$instance = new myClass();
$thr = new ByJG\PHPThread\Thread(array($instance, 'methodname'));