PHP code example of byjg / micro-orm

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download byjg/micro-orm library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


byjg / micro-orm example snippets

class Users
    public $id;
    public $name;
    public $createdate;

// Creating the mapping
$mapper = new \ByJG\MicroOrm\Mapper(
    Users::class,   // The full qualified name of the class
    'users',        // The table that represents this entity
    'id'            // The primary key field

// Optionally you can define table mappings between the propoerties
// and the database fields;
// The example below will map the property 'createdate' to the database field 'created';

$dataset = \ByJG\AnyDataset\Db\Factory::getDbRelationalInstance('mysql://user:password@server/schema');

$repository = new \ByJG\MicroOrm\Repository($dataset, $mapper);

// Get a single data from your ID
$users = $repository->get(10);

// Persist the entity into the database:
// Will INSERT if does not exists, and UPDATE if exists
$users->name = "New name";

$updateConstraint = \ByJG\MicroOrm\UpdateConstraint()::instance()

$users->name = "New name";
$repository->save($users, $updateConstraint);

$query = \ByJG\MicroOrm\Query::getInstance()
    ->fields(['id', 'name'])
    ->where('name like :part', ['part' => 'A%']);

// Will return a collection o 'Users'
$collection = $repository->getByQuery($query);

$query = \ByJG\MicroOrm\Query::getInstance()
    ->join('item', ' = item.orderid')
    ->where('name like :part', ['part' => 'A%']);

// Will return a collection of Orders and Items:
// $collection = [
//     [ $order, $item ],
//     [ $order, $item ],
//     ...
// ];
$collection = $orderRepository->getByQuery(

// Create the Mapper and the proper fieldAlias
$orderMapper  = new \ByJG\MicroOrm\Mapper(...);
$itemMapper  = new \ByJG\MicroOrm\Mapper(...);

$query = \ByJG\MicroOrm\Query::getInstance()
    ->field('', 'orderid')
    ->field('', 'itemid')
        /* Other fields here */
    ->join('item', ' = item.orderid')
    ->where('name like :part', ['part' => 'A%']);

// Will return a collection of Orders and Items:
// $collection = [
//     [ $order, $item ],
//     [ $order, $item ],
//     ...
// ];
$collection = $orderRepository->getByQuery(

$query = \ByJG\MicroOrm\Query::getInstance()

// Creating the mapping
$mapper = new \ByJG\MicroOrm\Mapper(
    Users::class,   // The full qualified name of the class
    'users',        // The table that represents this entity
    'id',            // The primary key field
    function () {
        // calculate and return the unique ID

// Creating the mapping
$mapper = new \ByJG\MicroOrm\Mapper(...);

$fieldMap = FieldMap::create('propertyname') // The property name of the entity class
    // The field name of the table. if not defined will use the property name.
    // The field alias of the field in the table. if not defined will use the field name.
    // Returns the pre-processed value before UPDATE/INSERT the $field name
    // If the function returns NULL this field will not be 

// This observer will be called after insert, update or delete a record on the table 'triggerTable' 
$myRepository->addObserver(new class($this->infoMapper->getTable()) implements ObserverProcessorInterface {
    private $table;

    public function __construct($table)
        $this->table = $table;

    public function process(ObserverData $observerData)
        // Do something here

    public function getObserverdTable(): string
        return $this->table;

$recursive = \ByJG\MicroOrm\Recursive::getInstance('test')
    ->field('start', 1, 'start + 10')
    ->field('end', 120, "end - 10")
    ->where('start < 100')

$query = \ByJG\MicroOrm\Query::getInstance()
    ->fields(['start', 'end']);

This will produce the following SQL:

WITH RECURSIVE test(start, end) AS (
    SELECT 1 as start, 120 as end
    UNION ALL SELECT start + 10, end - 10 FROM test WHERE start < 100
) SELECT start, end FROM test

Repository::setBeforeInsert(function ($instance) {
    return $instance;

Repository::setBeforeUpdate(function ($instance) {
    return $instance;

$repo1 = new Repository(...);
$repo2 = new Repository(...);

// Create the TransactionManager
$transactionManager = new TransactionManager();

// Start the transaction

// Do some Repository operations with the repo;
// ...

// commit (or rollback all transactions)