PHP code example of byjg / authuser

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download byjg/authuser library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


byjg / authuser example snippets

$users = new UsersAnyDataset('/tmp/pass.anydata.xml');

$users = new ByJG\Authenticate\UsersDBDataset(
    'connection',   // The connection string. Please refer to the project byjg/anydataset
    new UserDefinition(),  // The field metadata for store the users
    new UserPropertiesDefinition()  // The field metadata for store the extra properties

$users = new UsersMoodleDataset('connection');

$user = $users->isValidUser('someuser', '12345');
if (!is_null($user))
    $userId = $user->getUserid();

    $sessionContext = new \ByJG\Authenticate\SessionContext(\ByJG\Cache\Factory::createSessionPool());

$sessionContext = new \ByJG\Authenticate\SessionContext(\ByJG\Cache\Factory::createSessionPool());

// Check if the user is authenticated
if ($sessionContext->isAuthenticated()) {

    // Get the userId of the authenticated users
    $userId = $sessionContext->userInfo();

    // Get the user and your name
    $user = $users->getById($userId);
    echo "Hello: " . $user->getName();

$sessionContext = new \ByJG\Authenticate\SessionContext(\ByJG\Cache\Factory::createSessionPool());
$sessionContext->setSessionData('key', 'value');

$sessionContext = new \ByJG\Authenticate\SessionContext(\ByJG\Cache\Factory::createSessionPool());
$value = $sessionContext->getSessionData('key');

$user = $users->getById($userId);
$user->setField('somefield', 'somevalue');


$sessionContext = new \ByJG\Authenticate\SessionContext(\ByJG\Cache\Factory::createMemcachedPool(), 'UNIQUEPREFIX');

$users = new ByJG\Authenticate\UsersDBDataset(
    new \ByJG\Authenticate\Definition\UserDefinition(),
    new \ByJG\Authenticate\Definition\UserPropertiesDefinition()

$userDefinition = new \ByJG\Authenticate\Definition\UserDefinition(
    'users',    // $table
    \ByJG\Authenticate\Model\UserModel::class, // Model class
        UserDefinition::FIELD_USERID   => 'fieldname of userid',
        UserDefinition::FIELD_NAME     => 'fieldname of name',
        UserDefinition::FIELD_EMAIL    => 'fieldname of email',
        UserDefinition::FIELD_USERNAME => 'fieldname of username',
        UserDefinition::FIELD_PASSWORD => 'fieldname of password',
        UserDefinition::FIELD_CREATED  => 'fieldname of created',
        UserDefinition::FIELD_ADMIN    => 'fieldname of admin'

$userDefinition = new \ByJG\Authenticate\Definition\UserDefinition(
    'users',    // $table

// Defines a custom function to be applied BEFORE update/insert the field UserDefinition::FIELD_PASSWORD
// $value --> the current value to be updated
// $instance -> The array with all other fields;
$userDefinition->defineClosureForUpdate(UserDefinition::FIELD_PASSWORD, function ($value, $instance) {
    return strtoupper(sha1($value));

// Defines a custom function to be applied After the field UserDefinition::FIELD_CREATED is read but before
// the user get the result
// $value --> the current value retrieved from database
// $instance -> The array with all other fields;
$userDefinition->defineClosureForSelect(UserDefinition::FIELD_CREATED, function ($value, $instance) {
    return date('Y', $value);

// If you want make the field READONLY just do it:

 * This class is your model
 * This need to support the basic field plus your new fields
 * already set in your definition class
class MyUserModel extends UserModel
    protected $otherfield;

    public function __construct($name = "", $email = "", $username = "", $password = "", $admin = "no", $field = "")
        parent::__construct($name, $email, $username, $password, $admin);

    public function getOtherfield()
        return $this->otherfield;

    public function setOtherfield($otherfield)
        $this->otherfield = $otherfield;

$users = new ByJG\Authenticate\UsersDBDataset(
    new \ByJG\Authenticate\Definition\UserDefinition(
    new \ByJG\Authenticate\Definition\UserPropertiesDefinition()