PHP code example of buxuhunao / laravel-cos-sts

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download buxuhunao/laravel-cos-sts library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


buxuhunao / laravel-cos-sts example snippets

return [
   'disks' => [
       'cos' => [
           'driver' => 'cos',
           'app_id'     => env('COS_APP_ID'),
           'secret_id'  => env('COS_SECRET_ID'),
           'secret_key' => env('COS_SECRET_KEY'),
           'region'     => env('COS_REGION', 'ap-guangzhou'),
           'bucket'     => env('COS_BUCKET'),  // 不带数字 app_id 后缀
           'cdn'        => env('COS_CDN'),
           'signed_url' => false,
           'prefix' => env('COS_PATH_PREFIX'), // 全局路径前缀
           'guzzle' => [
               'timeout' => env('COS_TIMEOUT', 60),
               'connect_timeout' => env('COS_CONNECT_TIMEOUT', 60),

// 设置临时密钥有效期,单位为秒,不设置默认为30分钟
setDurationSeconds(int $seconds) 

// 策略允许/拒绝,默认为true允许
setEffect(bool $isAllow)

// 设置策略和对应的资源,多个策略可多次调用
setPolicy(string|array $allowActions, string|array $allowPrefixes)

// 获取临时密钥
getTempKeys(array $options) 

// 用法1:
$config = [
    'allowActions' => ['name/cos:PutObject', 'name/cos:PostObject'], // 字符串或数组
    'allowPrefixes' => ['docs/*', '/xls/*', 'ppt/a.ppt'], // 字符串或数组
    'durationSeconds' => 3600, // 可选,默认1800

return Sts::getTempKeys($config);

// 用法2:
    ->setPolicy(['name/cos:PutObject', 'name/cos:PostObject'], ['docs/*', '/xls/*', 'ppt/a.ppt'])