PHP code example of bupy7 / yii2-widget-cropbox

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download bupy7/yii2-widget-cropbox library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


bupy7 / yii2-widget-cropbox example snippets


if ($model->load(Yii::$app->request->post()))
    $model->image = \yii\web\UploadedFile::getInstance($model, 'image');
    if ($model->save()) 
        return $this->redirect(['index']);


use bupy7\cropbox\CropboxWidget;

$form = ActiveForm::begin([
    'options' => ['enctype'=>'multipart/form-data'],


echo $form->field($model, 'image')->widget(CropboxWidget::className(), [
    'croppedDataAttribute' => 'crop_info',



use yii\helpers\FileHelper;
use yii\imagine\Image;
use yii\helpers\Json;
use Imagine\Image\Box;
use Imagine\Image\Point;


public $image;
public $crop_info;


public function rules()
        'extensions' => ['jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'gif'],
        'mimeTypes' => ['image/jpeg', 'image/pjpeg', 'image/png', 'image/gif'],
    ['crop_info', 'safe'],


public function afterSave($insert, $changedAttributes)

    // open image
    $image = Image::getImagine()->open($this->image->tempName);

    // rendering information about crop of ONE option 
    $cropInfo = Json::decode($this->crop_info)[0];
    $cropInfo['dWidth'] = (int)$cropInfo['dWidth']; //new width image
    $cropInfo['dHeight'] = (int)$cropInfo['dHeight']; //new height image
    $cropInfo['x'] = $cropInfo['x']; //begin position of frame crop by X
    $cropInfo['y'] = $cropInfo['y']; //begin position of frame crop by Y
    // Properties bolow we don't use in this example
    //$cropInfo['ratio'] = $cropInfo['ratio'] == 0 ? 1.0 : (float)$cropInfo['ratio']; //ratio image. 
    //$cropInfo['width'] = (int)$cropInfo['width']; //width of cropped image
    //$cropInfo['height'] = (int)$cropInfo['height']; //height of cropped image
    //$cropInfo['sWidth'] = (int)$cropInfo['sWidth']; //width of source image
    //$cropInfo['sHeight'] = (int)$cropInfo['sHeight']; //height of source image

    //delete old images
    $oldImages = FileHelper::findFiles(Yii::getAlias('@path/to/save/image'), [
        'only' => [
            $this->id . '.*',
            'thumb_' . $this->id . '.*',
    for ($i = 0; $i != count($oldImages); $i++) {

    //saving thumbnail
    $newSizeThumb = new Box($cropInfo['dWidth'], $cropInfo['dHeight']);
    $cropSizeThumb = new Box(200, 200); //frame size of crop
    $cropPointThumb = new Point($cropInfo['x'], $cropInfo['y']);
    $pathThumbImage = Yii::getAlias('@path/to/save/image') 
        . '/thumb_' 
        . $this->id 
        . '.' 
        . $this->image->getExtension();  

        ->crop($cropPointThumb, $cropSizeThumb)
        ->save($pathThumbImage, ['quality' => 100]);

    //saving original
        . '/' 
        . $this->id 
        . '.' 
        . $this->image->getExtension()


echo $form->field($model, 'image')->widget(CropboxWidget::className(), [


    'croppedImagesUrl' => [
    'originalImageUrl' => 'url/to/original/image',

$cropInfo = Json::decode($this->crop_info)[0];
$cropInfo['dWidth'] = (int)$cropInfo['dWidth'];
$cropInfo['dHeight'] = (int)$cropInfo['dHeight'];
$cropInfo['x'] = abs($cropInfo['x']);
$cropInfo['y'] = abs($cropInfo['y']);
$cropInfo['ratio'] = $cropInfo['ratio'] == 0 ? 1.0 : (float)$cropInfo['ratio'];
$image = Image::getImagine()->open($this->image->tempName);
$cropSizeLarge = new Box(200 / $cropInfo['ratio'], 200 / $cropInfo['ratio']);
$cropPointLarge = new Point($cropInfo['x'] / $cropInfo['ratio'], $cropInfo['y'] / $cropInfo['ratio']);
$pathLargeImage = Yii::getAlias('path/to/save') . '/' . $this->id . '.' . $this->image->getExtension();
$image->crop($cropPointLarge, $cropSizeLarge)
    ->save($pathLargeImage, ['quality' => $module->qualityLarge]);


public function afterSave($insert, $changedAttributes)
    // open image
    $image = Image::getImagine()->open($this->image->tempName);
    $variants = [
            'width' => 150,
            'height' => 150,
            'width' => 350,
            'height' => 200,
    for($i = 0; $i != count(Json::decode($this->crop_info)); $i++) {
        $cropInfo = Json::decode($this->crop_info)[$i];
        $cropInfo['dWidth'] = (int)$cropInfo['dWidth']; //new width image
        $cropInfo['dHeight'] = (int)$cropInfo['dHeight']; //new height image
        $cropInfo['x'] = abs($cropInfo['x']); //begin position of frame crop by X
        $cropInfo['y'] = abs($cropInfo['y']); //begin position of frame crop by Y
        //$cropInfo['ratio'] = $cropInfo['ratio'] == 0 ? 1.0 : (float)$cropInfo['ratio']; //ratio image. We don't use in this example

        //delete old images
        $oldImages = FileHelper::findFiles(Yii::getAlias('@path/to/save/image'), [
            'only' => [
                $this->id . '.' . $i . '.*',
                'thumb_' . $this->id . '.' . $i . '.*',
        for ($j = 0; $j != count($oldImages); $j++) {

        //saving thumbnail
        $newSizeThumb = new Box($cropInfo['dWidth'], $cropInfo['dHeight']);
        $cropSizeThumb = new Box($variants[$i]['width'], $variants[$i]['height']); //frame size of crop
        $cropPointThumb = new Point($cropInfo['x'], $cropInfo['y']);
        $pathThumbImage = Yii::getAlias('@path/to/save/image') . '/thumb_' . $this->id . '.' . $i . '.' . $this->image->getExtension();  

            ->crop($cropPointThumb, $cropSizeThumb)
            ->save($pathThumbImage, ['quality' => 100]);

        //saving original
        $this->image->saveAs(Yii::getAlias('@path/to/save/image') . $this->id . '.' . $i . '.' . $this->image->getExtension());


// open image
$image = Image::getImagine()->open($this->image->tempName);

// rendering information about crop of ONE option 
$cropInfo = Json::decode($this->crop_info)[0];
$cropInfo['dWidth'] = (int)$cropInfo['dWidth']; //new width image
$cropInfo['dHeight'] = (int)$cropInfo['dHeight']; //new height image
$cropInfo['x'] = abs($cropInfo['x']); //begin position of frame crop by X
$cropInfo['y'] = abs($cropInfo['y']); //begin position of frame crop by Y
$cropInfo['width'] = (int)$cropInfo['width']; //width of cropped image
$cropInfo['height'] = (int)$cropInfo['height']; //height of cropped image
// Properties bolow we don't use in this example
//$cropInfo['ratio'] = $cropInfo['ratio'] == 0 ? 1.0 : (float)$cropInfo['ratio']; //ratio image. 

//delete old images
$oldImages = FileHelper::findFiles(Yii::getAlias('@path/to/save/image'), [
    'only' => [
        $this->id . '.*',
        'thumb_' . $this->id . '.*',
for ($i = 0; $i != count($oldImages); $i++) {

//saving thumbnail
$newSizeThumb = new Box($cropInfo['dWidth'], $cropInfo['dHeight']);
$cropSizeThumb = new Box($cropInfo['width'], $cropInfo['height']); //frame size of crop
$cropPointThumb = new Point($cropInfo['x'], $cropInfo['y']);
$pathThumbImage = Yii::getAlias('@path/to/save/image') . '/thumb_' . $this->id . '.' . $this->image->getExtension();  

    ->crop($cropPointThumb, $cropSizeThumb)
    ->save($pathThumbImage, ['quality' => 100]);
//saving original
$this->image->saveAs(Yii::getAlias('@path/to/save/image') . $this->id . '.' . $this->image->getExtension());

$ php composer.phar