PHP code example of buonaparte / bnp-service-definition

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download buonaparte/bnp-service-definition library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


buonaparte / bnp-service-definition example snippets

return [
    // ...
    'service_manager' => [
        // ...
        'definitions' => [
            'MovieLister' => [
                'class' => 'MyApp\Service\MovieLister',
                'arguments' => [
                    ['type' => 'service', 'value' => 'MovieFinder']
                'method_calls' => [
                    ['name' => 'setListingBehaviour', 'parameters' => ['default']]
            'MovieFinder' => [
                'class' => 'MyApp\Service\MovieFinder',
                'arguments' => [
                    ['type' => 'service', 'value' => 'MoviesTable']
            'MoviesTable' => [
                'class' => 'Zend\Db\TableGateway\TableGateway',
                'arguments' => [
                    ['type' => 'service', 'value' => 'Zend\Db\Adapter'],
                    ['type' => 'service', 'value' => 'MoviesResultSet']
            'MoviesResultSet' => [
                'class' => 'Zend\Db\ResultSet\HydratingResultSet',
                'arguments' => [
                    ['type' => 'service', 'value' => 'ClassMethodsHydrator'],
                    ['type' => 'service', 'value' => 'MovieEntityPrototype'],
        'invokables' => [
            'ClassMethodsHydrator' => 'Zend\Stdlib\Hydrator\ClassMethods',
            'MovieEntityPrototype' => 'MyApp\Entity\MovieEntity'
        'shared' => [
            'MovieEntityPrototype' => false

// ...
'method_calls' => [
        'name' => 'setListingBehaviour',
        'parameters' => [
            ['type' => 'dsl', 'value' => 'service("PreferencesMapper").getDefaultListingBehaviour()']

// ...
'method_calls' => [
        'name' => 'setListingBehaviour',
        'parameters' => [
            ['type' => 'dsl', 'value' => 'service("PreferencesMapper").getDefaultListingBehaviour()']
        'conditions' => [
            ['type' => 'dsl', 'value' => 'service("UserSession").hasDefaultListingSpecified()']

'definitions' => [
    'DbAdapterDependentService' => [
        'arguments' => [
            ['type' => 'service', 'value' => 'Zend\Db\Adapter']
        'abstract' => true,
        // suppose all of them will implement Zend\Stdlib\InitializableInterface
        'method_calls' => [
    'UserMapper' => [
        'class' => 'MyApp\Mapper\UserMapper',
        'parent' => 'DbAdapterDependentService'
    'SettingsMapper' => [
        'class' => 'MyApp\Mapper\SettingsMapper',
        'parent' => 'DbAdapterDependentService',
        'arguments' => [
            ['type' => 'config', 'value' => 'a_config_value', 'order' => -1]

'bnp-service-definition' => [
    'definition-aware-containers' => [
        'ControllerManager' => 'controller_manager',

'controller_manager' => [
    'definitions' => [
        'MoviesController' => [
            'class' => 'MyApp\Controller\MoviesController',
            'arguments' => [
                ['type' => 'service', 'value' => 'MovieLister']

 * Generated by BnpServiceDefinition\Service\Generator (at 10:40 25-08-2014)
class BnpGeneratedAbstractFactory_a81f0487f49ba10e22972a55497525bc implements \Zend\ServiceManager\AbstractFactoryInterface, \Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceLocatorAwareInterface

     * @var \Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceLocatorInterface
    protected $services = null;

     * @var string
    protected $scopeLocatorName = null;

     * Constructor
     * @param string $scopeLocatorName
    public function __construct($scopeLocatorName = null)
        $this->scopeLocatorName = $scopeLocatorName;

     * Determine if we can create a service with name
     * @param \Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceLocatorInterface $serviceLocator
     * @param string $name
     * @param string $requestedName
     * @return bool
    public function canCreateServiceWithName(\Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceLocatorInterface $serviceLocator, $name, $requestedName)
        return in_array($requestedName, array('MovieLister', 'MovieFinder', 'MoviesTable', 'MoviesResultSet'));

     * Create service with name
     * @param \Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceLocatorInterface $serviceLocator
     * @param string $name
     * @param string $requestedName
     * @return mixed
    public function createServiceWithName(\Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceLocatorInterface $serviceLocator, $name, $requestedName)
        switch ($requestedName) {

            case 'MovieLister':
                return $this->getMovieLister('MovieLister');
            case 'MovieFinder':
                return $this->getMovieFinder('MovieFinder');
            case 'MoviesTable':
                return $this->getMoviesTable('MoviesTable');
            case 'MoviesResultSet':
                return $this->getMoviesResultSet('MoviesResultSet');

        return null;

     * Set service locator
     * @param Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceLocatorInterface $serviceLocator
    public function setServiceLocator(\Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceLocatorInterface $serviceLocator)
        $this->services = $serviceLocator;

     * Get service locator
     * @return \Zend\ServiceManager\ServiceLocatorInterface
    public function getServiceLocator()
        return $this->services;

     * Returns the service registered under "MovieLister" definition
     * @param string $definitionName
     * @return object
     * @throws \BnpServiceDefinition\Exception\RuntimeException If an error occurs
     * during instantiation
    protected function getMovieLister($definitionName)
            function ($level, $message) use ($definitionName) {
                throw new \BnpServiceDefinition\Exception\RuntimeException(sprintf(
                    'A %d level error occurred (message: "%s") while creating %s service from compiled Abstract Factory',

        $serviceClassName = "MyApp\\Service\\MovieLister";
        if (! is_string($serviceClassName)) {
            throw new \BnpServiceDefinition\Exception\RuntimeException(sprintf(
                '%s definition class was not resolved to a string',
        if (! class_exists($serviceClassName, true)) {
            throw new \BnpServiceDefinition\Exception\RuntimeException(sprintf(
                '%s definition resolved to the class %s, which does no exit',
        $serviceReflection = new \ReflectionClass($serviceClassName);
        $service = $serviceReflection->newInstanceArgs(array($this->services->get('BnpServiceDefinition\Dsl\Extension\ServiceFunctionProvider')->getService("MovieFinder", false, null)));

        $serviceMethod = "setListingBehaviour";
        if (! is_string($serviceMethod)) {
            throw new \BnpServiceDefinition\Exception\RuntimeException(sprintf(
                'A method call can only be a string, %s provided, as %d method call for the %s service definition',
        } elseif (! method_exists($service, $serviceMethod)) {
            throw new \BnpServiceDefinition\Exception\RuntimeException(sprintf(
                'Requested method "%s::%s" (index %d) does not exists or is not visible for %s service definition',

            array($service, $serviceMethod),


        return $service;

     * Returns the service registered under "MovieFinder" definition
     * @param string $definitionName
     * @return object
     * @throws \BnpServiceDefinition\Exception\RuntimeException If an error occurs
     * during instantiation
    protected function getMovieFinder($definitionName)
            function ($level, $message) use ($definitionName) {
                throw new \BnpServiceDefinition\Exception\RuntimeException(sprintf(
                    'A %d level error occurred (message: "%s") while creating %s service from compiled Abstract Factory',

        $serviceClassName = "MyApp\\Service\\MovieFinder";
        if (! is_string($serviceClassName)) {
            throw new \BnpServiceDefinition\Exception\RuntimeException(sprintf(
                '%s definition class was not resolved to a string',
        if (! class_exists($serviceClassName, true)) {
            throw new \BnpServiceDefinition\Exception\RuntimeException(sprintf(
                '%s definition resolved to the class %s, which does no exit',
        $serviceReflection = new \ReflectionClass($serviceClassName);
        $service = $serviceReflection->newInstanceArgs(array($this->services->get('BnpServiceDefinition\Dsl\Extension\ServiceFunctionProvider')->getService("MoviesTable", false, null)));


        return $service;

     * Returns the service registered under "MoviesTable" definition
     * @param string $definitionName
     * @return object
     * @throws \BnpServiceDefinition\Exception\RuntimeException If an error occurs
     * during instantiation
    protected function getMoviesTable($definitionName)
            function ($level, $message) use ($definitionName) {
                throw new \BnpServiceDefinition\Exception\RuntimeException(sprintf(
                    'A %d level error occurred (message: "%s") while creating %s service from compiled Abstract Factory',

        $serviceClassName = "Zend\\Db\\TableGateway\\TableGateway";
        if (! is_string($serviceClassName)) {
            throw new \BnpServiceDefinition\Exception\RuntimeException(sprintf(
                '%s definition class was not resolved to a string',
        if (! class_exists($serviceClassName, true)) {
            throw new \BnpServiceDefinition\Exception\RuntimeException(sprintf(
                '%s definition resolved to the class %s, which does no exit',
        $serviceReflection = new \ReflectionClass($serviceClassName);
        $service = $serviceReflection->newInstanceArgs(array("movies", $this->services->get('BnpServiceDefinition\Dsl\Extension\ServiceFunctionProvider')->getService("Zend\\Db\\Adapter", false, null), null, $this->services->get('BnpServiceDefinition\Dsl\Extension\ServiceFunctionProvider')->getService("MoviesResultSet", false, null)));


        return $service;

     * Returns the service registered under "MoviesResultSet" definition
     * @param string $definitionName
     * @return object
     * @throws \BnpServiceDefinition\Exception\RuntimeException If an error occurs
     * during instantiation
    protected function getMoviesResultSet($definitionName)
            function ($level, $message) use ($definitionName) {
                throw new \BnpServiceDefinition\Exception\RuntimeException(sprintf(
                    'A %d level error occurred (message: "%s") while creating %s service from compiled Abstract Factory',

        $serviceClassName = "Zend\\Db\\ResultSet\\HydratingResultSet";
        if (! is_string($serviceClassName)) {
            throw new \BnpServiceDefinition\Exception\RuntimeException(sprintf(
                '%s definition class was not resolved to a string',
        if (! class_exists($serviceClassName, true)) {
            throw new \BnpServiceDefinition\Exception\RuntimeException(sprintf(
                '%s definition resolved to the class %s, which does no exit',
        $serviceReflection = new \ReflectionClass($serviceClassName);
        $service = $serviceReflection->newInstanceArgs(array($this->services->get('BnpServiceDefinition\Dsl\Extension\ServiceFunctionProvider')->getService("ClassMethodsHydrator", false, null), $this->services->get('BnpServiceDefinition\Dsl\Extension\ServiceFunctionProvider')->getService("MovieEntityPrototype", false, null)));


        return $service;
    $ php composer.phar update

return array(
    'modules' => array(
        // ...
    // ...

service(service_name, silent = false, instance = null)
config(string_or_array_for_nested_config_path, silent = true, type = null)