PHP code example of bulychev / enums

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download bulychev/enums library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


bulychev / enums example snippets

 * @method static int USER()
 * @method static int ADMIN()
 * @method static int ROOT()
enum Role: int
    use EnumsHelper;

    #[Description('Standard user account')]
    case USER = 10;

    #[Description('User with advanced permissions')]
    case ADMIN = 50;

    #[Description('User with full permissions')]
    case ROOT = 99;

Role::ADMIN(); // int(50)
Role::ROOT(); // int(99)
Role::MANAGER(); // throw new UndefinedEnumCaseException

 * @method static string RU()
 * @method static string KG()
 * @method static string EN()
enum Lang
    use EnumsHelper;
    case RU;
    case KG;
    case EN;
Role::RU(); // string(2) "RU"
Role::KG(); // string(2) "KG"
Role::EN(); // string(2) "EN"

// array(3) {
//   [0]=> string(4) "USER"
//   [1]=> string(5) "ADMIN"
//   [2]=> string(4) "ROOT"
// }

// array(3) {
//   [0]=> int(10)
//   [1]=> int(50)
//   [2]=> int(99)
// }

// array(3) {
//   [10]=> string(4) "USER"
//   [50]=> string(5) "ADMIN"
//   [99]=> string(4) "ROOT"
// }

// string(26) "User with full permissions"