PHP code example of bubifengyun / yii2-echarts
1. Go to this page and download the library: Download bubifengyun/yii2-echarts library . Choose the download type require .
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards */
bubifengyun / yii2-echarts example snippets
use bubifengyun\echarts\ECharts;
$chart = new ECharts($this);
$chart->tooltip->show = true;
$chart->legend->data = array('销量');
$chart->xAxis = array(
'type' => 'category',
'data' => array("衬衫","羊毛衫","雪纺衫","裤子","高跟鞋","袜子")
$chart->yAxis = array(
array('type' => 'value')
$chart->series = array(
'name' => '销量',
'type' => 'bar',
'data' => array(5, 20, 40, 10, 10, 20)
echo $chart->render('simple-custom-id');
use Hisune\EchartsPHP\Doc\IDE\Series;
use bubifengyun\echarts\ECharts;
// $this 传递 echarts.min.js 的位置, 后面
// 数组 world.js 传递的是 world.js 的位置
// 为了显示 中国的地图,用 ['china.js']
// 为了显示某个省份的地图,用['province/anhui.js']
// 同时,对应的 $series->map 也要修改。
$chart = new ECharts($this, ['world.js']);
$chart->visualMap->min = 0;
$chart->visualMap->max = 100;
$chart->visualMap->text = ['High', 'Low'];
$chart->visualMap->calculable = true;
$chart->visualMap->inRange->color = ['#C843C8', '#441744'];
$chart->tooltip->trigger = 'item';
$chart->tooltip->formatter = '{a}<br>{b} {c}';
$series = new Series();
$series->name = 'Times';
$series->type = 'map';
$series->map = 'world';
// echart默认是用不规范的英文国家名做映射关系,这里转为标准的ISO3166-1国家短码
$series->nameMap = \Hisune\EchartsPHP\Countries::nameMap();
// 在data中使用ISO3166-1国家短码
$series->data = [
'name' => 'CN',
'value' => 100,
'name' => 'US',
'value' => 50,
'name' => 'RU',
'value' => 80,
'name' => 'IN',
'value' => 20,
'name' => 'CA',
'value' => 80,
'name' => 'AU',
'value' => 30,
$series->label->emphasis->show = false;
$series->label->emphasis->textStyle->color = '#fff';
$series->roam = true;
$series->scaleLimit->min = 1;
$series->scaleLimit->max = 5;
$series->itemStyle->normal->borderColor = '#bbb';
$series->itemStyle->normal->areaColor = '#F5F6FA';
$series->itemStyle->emphasis->areaColor = '#441744';
echo $chart->render('map', ['style' => 'height: 500px;']);
use Hisune\EchartsPHP\Doc\IDE\Series;
use bubifengyun\echarts\ECharts;
$chart = new ECharts($this, ['china.js']);
$chart->visualMap->min = 0;
$chart->visualMap->max = 100;
$chart->visualMap->text = ['高', '低'];
$chart->visualMap->calculable = true;
$chart->visualMap->inRange->color = ['#C843C8', '#441744'];
$chart->tooltip->trigger = 'item';
$chart->tooltip->formatter = '{a}<br>{b} {c}';
$series = new Series();
$series->name = '人员数目';
$series->type = 'map';
$series->map = 'china';
$series->data = [
'name' => '安徽',
'value' => 100,
'name' => '北京',
'value' => 50,
'name' => '四川',
'value' => 80,
'name' => '湖北',
'value' => 20,
'name' => '上海',
'value' => 80,
$series->label->emphasis->show = false;
$series->label->emphasis->textStyle->color = '#fff';
$series->roam = true;
$series->scaleLimit->min = 1;
$series->scaleLimit->max = 5;
$series->itemStyle->normal->borderColor = '#bbb';
$series->itemStyle->normal->areaColor = '#F5F6FA';
$series->itemStyle->emphasis->areaColor = '#441744';
echo $chart->render('map', ['style' => 'height: 500px;']);
php composer.phar