PHP code example of brzuchal / command-line

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download brzuchal/command-line library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


brzuchal / command-line example snippets

$commandLine = (new \Brzuchal\CommandLine\CommandLineBuilder())
    ->withOption('file', 'f')
    ->withOption('count', 'c', true)
    ->build($_SERVER['argv'], $_SERVER['PWD']);

$parser = new \Brzuchal\CommandLine\ArrayCommandLineParser($_SERVER['argv']);
$commandLine = $parser->parse();

$definition = new \Brzuchal\CommandLine\Definition([
    new \Brzuchal\CommandLine\ArgumentDefinition('command'),
    new \Brzuchal\CommandLine\OptionDefinition('env', 'e'),
    new \Brzuchal\CommandLine\OptionDefinition('file', 'f'),
    new \Brzuchal\CommandLine\OptionDefinition('count', 'c'),
$parser = new \Brzuchal\CommandLine\ArrayParameterParser($_SERVER['argv']);
$parameters = $parser->parse();

ENV=prod                   // this is shell way for setting environment variables per process
php                        // this part is pointing to php interpreter
-d "error_reporting=E_ALL" // this part holds php interpreter options
script.php                 // visible at runtime script filename
test                       // visible at runtime arguments
--debug                    // visible at runtime options