PHP code example of bryceandy / laravel_pesapal

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download bryceandy/laravel_pesapal library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


bryceandy / laravel_pesapal example snippets

 * Create a form and send the appropriate values. You may as
 * well send url parameters where a view will be returned.
    'amount' => 'Required, input should be numbers only',
    'currency' => 'Required, values can be TZS,KES,UGX or USD',
    'description' => 'Required, short description of the payment',
    'type' => 'Required, "MERCHANT" or "ORDER"',
    'reference' => 'Required, should be auto-generated and unique for every transaction',
    'first_name' => 'Optional',
    'last_name' => 'Optional',
    'email' => 'Required if there is no phone number',
    'phone_number' => 'Required if there is no email, 

namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Bryceandy\Laravel_Pesapal\Facades\Pesapal;
use Bryceandy\Laravel_Pesapal\Payment;

class CallbackController extends Controller 
    public function index()
        $transaction = Pesapal::getTransactionDetails(
            request('pesapal_merchant_reference'), request('pesapal_transaction_tracking_id')
        // Store the paymentMethod, trackingId and status in the database

        $status = $transaction['status'];
        // also $status = Pesapal::statusByTrackingIdAndMerchantRef(request('pesapal_merchant_reference'), request('pesapal_transaction_tracking_id'));
        // also $status = Pesapal::statusByMerchantRef(request('pesapal_merchant_reference'));

        return view('your_callback_view', compact('status')); // Display this status to the user. Values are (PENDING, COMPLETED, INVALID, or FAILED)

// For Laravel 7.*
Route::get('pesapal-ipn-listener', 'IpnController');
// For Laravel 8.* onwards
Route::get('pesapal-ipn-listener', \App\Http\Controllers\IpnController::class);

namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use Bryceandy\Laravel_Pesapal\Facades\Pesapal;
use Bryceandy\Laravel_Pesapal\Payment;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Mail;

class IpnController extends Controller 
    public function __invoke()
        $transaction = Pesapal::getTransactionDetails(
            request('pesapal_merchant_reference'), request('pesapal_transaction_tracking_id')

        // Store the paymentMethod, trackingId and status in the database        

        // If there was a status change and the status is not 'PENDING'
        if(request('pesapal_notification_type') == "CHANGE" && request('pesapal_transaction_tracking_id') != ''){

            //Here you can do multiple things to notify your user that the changed status of their payment
            // 1. Send an email or SMS (if your user doesnt have an email)to your user 
            $payment = Payment::whereReference(request('pesapal_merchant_reference'))->first();
            Mail::to($payment->email)->send(new PaymentProcessed(request('pesapal_transaction_tracking_id'), $transaction['status']));
            // PaymentProcessed is an example of a mailable email, it does not come with the package
            // 2. You may also create a Laravel Event & Listener to process a Notification to the user
            // 3. You can also create a Laravel Notification or dispatch a Laravel Job. Possibilities are endless! 

            // Finally output a response to Pesapal
            $response = 'pesapal_notification_type=' . request('pesapal_notification_type').
                    '&pesapal_transaction_tracking_id=' . request('pesapal_transaction_tracking_id').
                    '&pesapal_merchant_reference=' . request('pesapal_merchant_reference');
            echo $response;
            exit; // This is mandatory. If you dont exit, Pesapal will not get your response.
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=pesapal-config
php artisan migrate