PHP code example of bryanvilladev / epayco-php-8

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download bryanvilladev/epayco-php-8 library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


bryanvilladev / epayco-php-8 example snippets

$epayco = new Epayco\Epayco(array(
    "apiKey" => "YOU_PUBLIC_API_KEY",
    "privateKey" => "YOU_PRIVATE_API_KEY",
    "lenguage" => "ES",
    "test" => true

$token = $epayco->token->create(array(
    "card[number]" => '4575623182290326',
    "card[exp_year]" => "2017",
    "card[exp_month]" => "07",
    "card[cvc]" => "123",
    "hasCvv" => true //hasCvv: validar codigo de seguridad en la transacción

$customer = $epayco->customer->create(array(
    "token_card" => $token->id,
    "name" => "Joe",
    "last_name" => "Doe", //This parameter is optional
    "email" => "[email protected]",
    "default" => true,
    //Optional parameters: These parameters are important when validating the credit card transaction
    "city" => "Bogota",
    "address" => "Cr 4 # 55 36",
    "phone" => "3005234321",
    "cell_phone"=> "3010000001",

$customer = $epayco->customer->get("id_client");

$customer = $epayco->customer->getList();

$customer = $epayco->customer->update("id_client", array('name' => 'julianc'));

$customer = $epayco->customer->delete(array(
    "franchise"  => "visa",
    "mask" => "457562******0326",

  $customer = $epayco->customer->addDefaultCard(array(
     "token" => "**********zL4gFB",
     "franchise"=> "american-express",
     "mask"=> "373118*****7642"

    $customer = $epayco->customer->addNewToken(array(
    "token_card" => "HyjnY3pBSjFtiQBRT",

$plan = $epayco->plan->create(array(
     "id_plan" => "coursereact",
     "name" => "Course react js",
     "description" => "Course react and redux",
     "amount" => 30000,
     "currency" => "cop",
     "interval" => "month",
     "interval_count" => 1,
     "trial_days" => 30

$plan = $epayco->plan->get("coursereact");

$plan = $epayco->plan->getList();

$plan = $epayco->plan->remove("coursereact");

$sub = $epayco->subscriptions->create(array(
  "id_plan" => "coursereact",
  "customer" => "id_client",
  "token_card" => "id_token",
  "doc_type" => "CC",
  "doc_number" => "5234567",
   //Optional parameter: if these parameter it's not send, system get ePayco dashboard's url_confirmation
   "url_confirmation" => "",
   "method_confirmation" => "POST"

$sub = $epayco->subscriptions->get("id_subscription");

$sub = $epayco->subscriptions->getList();

$sub = $epayco->subscriptions->cancel("id_subscription");

$sub = $epayco->subscriptions->charge(array(
  "id_plan" => "coursereact",
  "customer" => "id_client",
  "token_card" => "id_token",
  "doc_type" => "CC",
  "doc_number" => "5234567",
  "address" => "cr 44 55 66",
  "phone"=> "2550102",
  "cell_phone"=> "3010000001",
  "ip" => ""  // This is the client's IP, it is 

$test = true; // opcional, tiene que ser true o false o no enviarse
$bancos = $epayco->bank->pseBank($test);
//$bancos representa un object con toda la lista de bancos disponibles para transacciones con PSE

$pse = $epayco->bank->create(array(
        "bank" => "1022",
        "invoice" => "1472050778",
        "description" => "Pago pruebas",
        "value" => "10000",
        "tax" => "0",
        "tax_base" => "0",
        "currency" => "COP",
        "type_person" => "0",
        "doc_type" => "CC",
        "doc_number" => "numero_documento_cliente",
        "name" => "PRUEBAS",
        "last_name" => "PAYCO",
        "email" => "[email protected]",
        "country" => "CO",
        "city" => "Bogota",
        "cell_phone" => "3010000001",
        "ip" => "",  // This is the client's IP, it is 

$pse = $epayco->bank->get("ticketId");

$split_pay = $epayco->bank->create(array(
    //Other customary parameters...
    "splitpayment" => "true",
    "split_app_id" => "P_CUST_ID_CLIENTE APPLICATION",
    "split_merchant_id" => "P_CUST_ID_CLIENTE COMMERCE",
    "split_type" => "02",
    "split_primary_receiver" => "P_CUST_ID_CLIENTE APPLICATION",
    "split_rule"=>'multiple', //sí se envía este campo el split_receivers se vuelve un campo obligatorio
    "split_receivers" => json_encode(array(
    		array('id'=>'P_CUST_ID_CLIENTE 1 RECEIVER','total'=>'58000','iva'=>'8000','base_iva'=>'50000','fee' => '10'),
    		array('id'=>'P_CUST_ID_CLIENTE 2 RECEIVER','total'=>'58000','iva'=>'8000','base_iva'=>'50000','fee' => '10')
    	 )) // Campo obligatorio sí se envía el campo split_rule

$cash = $epayco->cash->create("efecty", array(
    "invoice" => "1472050778",
    "description" => "pay test",
    "value" => "20000",
    "tax" => "0",
    "tax_base" => "0",
    "currency" => "COP",
    "type_person" => "0",
    "doc_type" => "CC",
    "doc_number" => "numero_documento_cliente",
    "name" => "testing",
    "last_name" => "PAYCO",
    "email" => "[email protected]",
    "cell_phone" => "3010000001",
    "country" => "CO",
    "city" => "Bogota",
    "end_date" => "data_max_5_days", // yy-mm-dd
    "ip" => "",  // This is the client's IP, it is 

$cash = $epayco->cash->create("efecty", array());
$cash = $epayco->cash->create("gana", array());
$cash = $epayco->cash->create("baloto", array());//expiration date can not be longer than 30 days
$cash = $epayco->cash->create("redservi", array());//expiration date can not be longer than 30 days
$cash = $epayco->cash->create("puntored", array());//expiration date can not be longer than 30 days

$cash = $epayco->cash->transaction("id_transaction");

$split_pay = $epayco->cash->create(array(
    //Other customary parameters...
    "splitpayment" => "true",
    "split_app_id" => "P_CUST_ID_CLIENTE APPLICATION",
    "split_merchant_id" => "P_CUST_ID_CLIENTE COMMERCE",
    "split_type" => "02",
    "split_primary_receiver" => "P_CUST_ID_CLIENTE APPLICATION",
    "split_rule"=>'multiple', // si se envía este parámetro el campo split_receivers se vuelve obligatorio
    "split_receivers" => json_encode(array(
    		array('id'=>'P_CUST_ID_CLIENTE 1 RECEIVER','total'=>'58000','iva'=>'8000','base_iva'=>'50000','fee' => '10'),
    		array('id'=>'P_CUST_ID_CLIENTE 2 RECEIVER','total'=>'58000','iva'=>'8000','base_iva'=>'50000','fee' => '10')
    	 )) // Campo obligatorio sí se envía split_rule

$pay = $epayco->charge->create(array(

    //r_id" => $customer->data->customerId,
    "doc_type" => "CC",
    "doc_number" => "numero_documento_cliente",
    "name" => "John",
    "last_name" => "Doe",
    "email" => "[email protected]",
    "value" => "116000",
    "currency" => "COP",

    // optional
    "bill" => "OR-1234",
    "description" => "Test Payment",
    "tax" => "16000",
    "tax_base" => "100000",
    "dues" => "12",
    "address" => "cr 44 55 66",
    "city" => "Medellín",
    "country" => "CO",
    "phone"=> "2550102",
    "cell_phone"=> "3010000001",
    "ip" => "",  // This is the client's IP, it is 

$pay = $epayco->charge->transaction("id_transaction");

$split_pay = $epayco->charge->create(array(
    //Other customary parameters...
    "splitpayment" => "true",
    "split_app_id" => "P_CUST_ID_CLIENTE APPLICATION",
    "split_merchant_id" => "P_CUST_ID_CLIENTE COMMERCE",
    "split_type" => "02",
    "split_primary_receiver" => "P_CUST_ID_CLIENTE APPLICATION",
    "split_rule"=>'multiple', // sí se envía este parámetro el campo split_receivers se vuelve obligatorio
    "split_receivers" => array(
    		array('id'=>'P_CUST_ID_CLIENTE 1 RECEIVER','total'=>'58000','iva'=>'8000','base_iva'=>'50000','fee' => '10'),
    		array('id'=>'P_CUST_ID_CLIENTE 2 RECEIVER','total'=>'58000','iva'=>'8000','base_iva'=>'50000','fee' => '10')
    	 ) //Campo obligatorio sí se envía split_rule

$pay = $epayco->daviplata->create(array(
    "doc_type" => "CC",
    "document" => "1053814580414720",
    "name" => "Testing",
    "last_name" => "PAYCO",
    "email" => "[email protected]",
    "ind_country" => "CO",
    "phone" => "314853222200033",
    "country" => "CO",
    "city" => "bogota",
    "address" => "Calle de prueba",
    "ip" => "",
    "currency" => "COP",
    "description" => "ejemplo de transaccion con daviplata",
    "value" => "100",
    "tax" => "0",
    "tax_base" => "0",
    "method_confirmation" => "POST",
    "url_confirmation" => "",
    "url_response" => "",
    "extra1" => "data 1",
    "extra2" => "data 2",
    "extra3" => "data 3",
    "extra4" => "data 4",
    "extra5" => "data 5"

$pay = $epayco->daviplata->confirm(array(
    "ref_payco" => "45508846", // It is obtained from the create response
    "id_session_token" => "45081749", // It is obtained from the create response
    "otp" => "2580"

$sp = $epayco->safetypay->create(array(
    "cash" => "1",
    "end_date" => "2022-08-05",
    "doc_type" => "CC",
    "document" => "123456789",
    "name" => "Jhon",
    "last_name" => "doe",
    "email" => "[email protected]",
    "ind_country" => "57",
    "phone" => "3003003434",
    "country" => "CO",
    "invoice" => "fac-01",
    "city" => "N/A",
    "address" => "N/A",
    "ip" => "",
    "currency" => "COP",
    "description" => "Thu Jun 17 2021 11:37:01 GMT-0400 (hora de Venezuela)",
    "value" => 100,
    "tax" => 0,
    "ico" => 0,
    "tax_base" => 0,
    "method_confirmation" => "POST",
    "url_confirmation" => "",
    "url_response" => "",
    "extra1" => "data 1",
    "extra2" => "data 2",
    "extra3" => "data 3",
    "extra4" => "data 4",
    "extra5" => "data 5"
$ git clone