PHP code example of brunolobo / widgets

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download brunolobo/widgets library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


brunolobo / widgets example snippets

'providers' => [

'aliases' => [
    'Widget'       => Brunolobo\Widgets\Facade::class,
    'AsyncWidget'  => Brunolobo\Widgets\AsyncFacade::class,

namespace App\Widgets;

use Brunolobo\Widgets\AbstractWidget;

class RecentNews extends AbstractWidget
     * The configuration array.
     * @var array
    protected $config = [];

     * Treat this method as a controller action.
     * Return view() or other content to display.
    public function run()

        return view('widgets.recent_news', [
            'config' => $this->config,


{{ Widget::run('recentNews') }}

{{ Widget::recentNews() }}

class RecentNews extends AbstractWidget
    protected $config = [
        'count' => 5

@widget('recentNews') // shows 5
@widget('recentNews', ['count' => 10]) // shows 10

class RecentNews extends AbstractWidget
    protected $config = [
        'count' => 5,
        'foo'   => 'bar'

@widget('recentNews', ['count' => 10]) // $this->config['foo'] continua sendo 'bar'

public function __construct(array $config = [])
        'child_key' => 'bar'


@widget('recentNews', ['count' => 10], 'date', 'asc')
public function run($sortBy, $sortOrder) { }
 artisan vendor:publish --provider="Brunolobo\Widgets\ServiceProvider"

@widget('News\RecentNews', $config)

@widget('news.recentNews', $config)

@widget('\App\Http\Some\Namespace\Widget', $config)

public function placeholder()
    return 'Carregando...';

class RecentNews extends AbstractWidget
     * The number of seconds before each reload.
     * @var int|float
    public $reloadTimeout = 10;

 * Async and reloadable widgets are wrapped in container.
 * You can customize it by overriding this method.
 * @return array
public function container()
    return [
        'element'       => 'div',
        'attributes'    => 'style="display:inline" class="brunolobo-widget-container"',

class RecentNews extends AbstractWidget
     * The number of minutes before cache expires.
     * False means no caching at all.
     * @var int|float|bool
    public $cacheTime = 60;

// add several widgets to the 'sidebar' group anywhere you want (even in controller)
Widget::group('sidebar')->position(5)->addWidget('widgetName1', $config1);
Widget::group('sidebar')->position(4)->addAsyncWidget('widgetName2', $config2);

// display them in a view in the correct order
// or 
{{ Widget::group('sidebar')->display() }}

Widget::group('sidebar')->wrap(function ($content, $index, $total) {
    // $total is a total number of widgets in a group.
    return "<div class='widget-{$index}'>{$content}</div>";

$id1 = Widget::group('sidebar')->addWidget('files');
$id2 = Widget::group('sidebar')->addAsyncWidget('files');
Widget::group('sidebar')->removeById($id1); // Agora só o segundo wodget está no grupo

Widget::group('sidebar')->removeByName('files'); // Widget group está vazio

Widget::group('sidebar')->removeByPosition(42); // Widget group está vazio

Widget::group('sidebar')->removeAll(); // Widget group está vazio
php artisan make:widget RecentNews