PHP code example of brulath / fitbit-php-oauth2

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download brulath/fitbit-php-oauth2 library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


brulath / fitbit-php-oauth2 example snippets

$fitbit = new brulath\fitbit\FitbitPHPOAuth2([
    'client_id' => 'your_client_id',
    'client_secret' => 'your_client_secret',
    'redirect_uri' => '',  // must match URI specified in your app on the Fitbit Developer website
    'logger' => $log,
    'auto_request' => true,  // automatically redirect the user to the Fitbit OAuth process if a token doesn't exist
    'auto_refresh' => true,  // automatically refresh expired tokens
$json_encoded_oauth2_token_for_user = getOAuth2TokenForUserFromMyDatabase();
$profile = $fitbit->getProfile();  // read warning below about token refreshes

$fitbit->on('obtain-token', function( [ $token ] ) {
    print("Acquired first token {$token} for the user; I'll save this to the database.");
$fitbit->on('refresh-token', function( [ $token ] ) {
    print("Acquired refresh token {$token} so I should update the database with this user's new OAuth2 token.");

$token = $fitbit->getToken();
if ($old_token != $token) {
    print("Acquired token {$token}.");

$fitbit->on('obtain-token', <your_token_saving_function>);
$fitbit->on('refresh-token', <your_token_saving_function>);

use Monolog\Logger;
use Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler;

$log = new Logger('name');
$log->pushHandler(new StreamHandler('path/to/your.log', Logger::WARNING));

$fitbit = new brulath\fitbit\FitbitPHPOAuth2([
    'logger' => $log,
    // etc.

// A session is ;

$json_encoded_oauth2_token_for_user = $fitbit->getToken();  // will redirect user to fitbit ($fitbit->doAuthFlow()). the cookie it sets must survive.

echo "My Fitbit access token is: {$json_encoded_oauth2_token_for_user}";

$auth = $fitbit->getAuthUrlAndState();
saveStateSoWeCanCheckItLater($auth['state']);  // $_SESSION['fitbit-php-oauth2-state'] = $auth['state']

$state = retrieveQueryString('state');  // $_GET['state']
$storedState = retrieveStoredState();  // $_SESSION['fitbit-php-oauth2-state']
if ($state != $storedState) {
    throw \Exception("Invalid auth request");

$code = retrieveQueryString('code');  // $_GET['code']
$fitbit->handleAuthResponse($code);  // emits obtain-token event
$token = $this->getToken();

echo "My Fitbit access token is: {$token}";

// If token has expired, the first request you make will additionally make a refresh request

$activities = $fitbit->getActivities('2016-02-20');