PHP code example of broadteam / querylist-puppeteer

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download broadteam/querylist-puppeteer library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


broadteam / querylist-puppeteer example snippets

use QL\QueryList;
use QL\Ext\Chrome;

$ql = QueryList::getInstance();
// 注册插件,默认注册的方法名为: chrome
// 或者自定义注册的方法名

// 抓取的目标页面是使用Vue.js动态渲染的页面
$text = $ql->chrome('')->find('h1')->text();
// 输出: Button 按钮

$rules = [
 'h1' => ['h1','text']
$ql = $ql->chrome('');
$data = $ql->rules($rules)->queryData();

$text = $ql->chrome('',[
  'timeout' => 6000,
  'ignoreHTTPSErrors' => true,
  // ...

$text = $ql->chrome(function ($page,$browser) {
    $page->setUserAgent('Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_11_5) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/71.0.3578.98 Safari/537.36');
    // 设置cookie
      'name' => 'foo',
      'value' => 'xxx',
      'url' => ''
       'name' => 'foo2',
       'value' => 'yyy',
       'url' => ''
    // 等待h1元素出现
    // 获取页面HTML内容
    $html = $page->content();
    // 关闭浏览器
    // 返回值一定要是页面的HTML内容
    return $html;

$text = $ql->chrome(function ($page,$browser) {
    // 页面截图
        'path' => 'page.png',
        'fullPage' => true
    $html = $page->content();
    return $html;

$text = $ql->chrome(function ($page,$browser) {
    $html = $page->content();
    // 这里故意设置一个很长的延长时间,让你可以看到chrome浏览器的启动
    // 返回值一定要是页面的HTML内容
    return $html;
 'headless' => false, // 启动可视化Chrome浏览器,方便调试
 'devtools' => true, // 打开浏览器的开发者工具