PHP code example of brandembassy / queue-management
1. Go to this page and download the library: Download brandembassy/queue-management library . Choose the download type require .
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
require_once ('vendor/autoload.php' );
brandembassy / queue-management example snippets
declare (strict_types = 1 );
use BE \QueueManagement \Jobs \SimpleJob ;
class ExampleJob extends SimpleJob
public const JOB_NAME = 'exampleJob' ;
public const PARAMETER_FOO = 'foo' ;
public function getFoo () : string
return $this ->getParameter(self ::PARAMETER_FOO);
declare (strict_types = 1 );
use BE \QueueManagement \Jobs \Execution \JobProcessorInterface ;
use BE \QueueManagement \Jobs \JobInterface ;
use YourApp \Jobs \ExampleJob ;
class ExampleJobProcessor implements JobProcessorInterface
public function process (JobInterface $job) : void
assert($job instanceof ExampleJob);
echo $job->getFoo();
declare (strict_types = 1 );
use BE \QueueManagement \Queue \QueueManagerInterface ;
use YourApp \Jobs \ExampleJob ;
use BE \QueueManagement \Jobs \JobInterface ;
use BE \QueueManagement \Jobs \JobDefinitions \JobDefinitionsContainer ;
class JobPusher
protected $queueManager;
private $jobDefinitionsContainer;
public function __construct (QueueManagerInterface $queueManager, JobDefinitionsContainer $jobDefinitionsContainer) {
$this ->queueManager = $queueManager;
$this ->jobDefinitionsContainer = $jobDefinitionsContainer;
protected function push (string $jobUuid) : void
$jobDefinition = $this ->jobDefinitionsContainer->get(ExampleJob::JOB_NAME);
$exampleJob = new ExampleJob(
new DateTimeImmutable(),
new ArrayCollection([ExampleJob::PARAMETER_FOO => 'bar' ])
$this ->queueManager->push($exampleJob);
declare (strict_types = 1 );
namespace BE \AdapterSdk \Console \Commands \Queue ;
use BE \QueueManagement \Queue \WorkerInterface ;
use Symfony \Component \Console \Input \InputInterface ;
use Symfony \Component \Console \Output \OutputInterface ;
use Symfony \Component \Console \Command \Command ;
class WorkerStartCommand extends Command
private $worker;
public function __construct (WorkerInterface $worker)
parent ::__construct();
$this ->worker = $worker;
protected function configure () : void
$this ->setName('queue:worker:start' );
$this ->setDescription('Start queue worker' );
protected function execute (InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) : int
$queueName = $input->getArgument(self ::QUEUE_NAME);
$this ->sqsWorker->start($queueName);
$output->writeln('Worker started' );
return 0 ;