PHP code example of bradietilley / laravel-rules

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download bradietilley/laravel-rules library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


bradietilley / laravel-rules example snippets

    'email' => Rule::make()
            $this->method() === 'POST',
            column: 'email',
            ignore: $this->route('user')?->id,
    'password' => rule()
            $this->method() === 'POST',

use BradieTilley\Rules\Rule;

return [
    'my_field' => Rule::make()->

    'my_field' => [

     * You can use the methods provided

     * You can pass in another Rule object which will be merged in

     * You can pass in a `\Illuminate\Contracts\Validation\Rule` object
     * Note: This Laravel interface is deprecated and will be dropped in future versions of Laravel. It is recommended to not use this interface.
    ->rule(new RuleThatImplementsRule())

     * You can pass in a `\Illuminate\Contracts\Validation\InvokableRule` object
     * Note: This Laravel interface is deprecated and will be dropped in future versions of Laravel. It is recommended to not use this interface.
    ->rule(new RuleThatImplementsInvokableRule())

     * You can pass in a `\Illuminate\Contracts\Validation\ValidationRule` object
    ->rule(new RuleThatImplementsValidationRule())

     * You can pass in any array of rules. The array values can be any of the
     * above rule types: strings, Rule objects, ValidationRule instances, etc
        new Unique('table', 'column'),

public function rules(): array
    $create = $this->method() === 'POST';

    return [
        'name' => Rule::make()
            ->when($create, Rule::make()->is->method() === 'POST';

    return [
        'name' => Rule::make()
            ->when($create, '

 * Example using a closure
public function rules(): array
    $integerRule = function (Rule $rule) {

    return [
        'percent' => Rule::make()

 * Example using a first class callable
function integerRule(Rule $rule)

public function rules(): array
    return [
        'percent' => Rule::make()

 * Example using a callable invokable class
class IntegerRule
    public function __invoke(Rule $rule)

public function rules(): array
    return [
        'percent' => Rule::make()
            ->with(new IntegerRule()),

 * The above examples would all return:
    'percent' => [

Rule::macro('australianPhoneNumber', function () {
    /** @var Rule $this */
    return $this->rule('regex:/^\+614\d{8}$/');

return [
    'phone' => Rule::make()


// via ::make()
\BradieTilley\Rules\Rule::make(); // instanceof App\Rules\CustomRule

// via the helper function
rule(); // instanceof App\Rules\CustomRule

    public function email(string ...$flags): static
        return parent::email(...$flags)->min(5)->max(255);

    CustomRule::make()->       '',

public function validate(string $attribute, mixed $value, Closure $fail): void
    if ($this->someCondition) {
        return; // pass

    if ($this->otherCondition) {
        $fail('Some error message');

        return; // you can't return anything so you can't join the $fail and return lines together

public function run(string $attribute, mixed $value): static
    if ($this->someCondition) {
        return $this->pass();

    if ($this->otherCondition) {
        return $this->fail('Some error message');

    return $this->pass();
-if ($this->someCondition) {
-    return;
+if ($this->someCondition) {
+    return $this->pass();