PHP code example of bradietilley / laravel-css-inliner

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download bradietilley/laravel-css-inliner library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


bradietilley / laravel-css-inliner example snippets

use BradieTilley\LaravelCssInliner\Facades\CssInline;

CssInline::addCssRaw('body { background: #eee; }');

# Or, you can achieve the same outcome by letting CssInline decide whether it's a path or raw CSS:
CssInline::addCss('body { background: #eee; }');

use BradieTilley\LaravelCssInliner\Facades\CssInline;
use Symfony\Component\Mime\Email;

CssInline::addCss('.font-bold { font-weight: bold; }');

# Convert an HTML string
$html = CssInline::convert('<html><body><div class="font-bold">Bold</div></body></html>');
echo $html; // <html><body><div class="font-bold" style="font-weight: bold;">Bold</div></body></html>

# Convert an email
$email = new Email();
$email->html('<html><body><div class="font-bold">Bold</div></body></html>');
echo $email->getHtmlBody(); // <html><body><div class="font-bold" style="font-weight: bold;">Bold</div></body></html>

use BradieTilley\LaravelCssInliner\Facades\CssInline;

CssInline::emailListenerEnabled(); // Current state: true or false
CssInline::enableEmailListener(); // Enables option; returns instance of CssInliner
CssInline::disableEmailListener(); // Disables option; returns instance of CssInliner

use BradieTilley\LaravelCssInliner\Facades\CssInline;

CssInline::cssFromHtmlContentEnabled(); // Current state: true or false
CssInline::enableCssExtractionFromHtmlContent(); // Enables option; returns instance of CssInliner
CssInline::disableCssExtractionFromHtmlContent(); // Disables option; returns instance of CssInliner

use BradieTilley\LaravelCssInliner\Facades\CssInline;

CssInline::cssRemovalFromHtmlContentEnabled(); // Current state: true or false
CssInline::enableCssRemovalFromHtmlContent(); // Enables option; returns instance of CssInliner
CssInline::disableCssRemovalFromHtmlContent(); // Disables option; returns instance of CssInliner

use BradieTilley\LaravelCssInliner\Facades\CssInline;

CssInliner::addCssRaw('.text-success { color: #00ff00; }');

# Convert your own HTML/CSS
$html = '<span class="text-success">Success text</span>';
$html = CssInliner::convert($html);

echo $html; // <span class="text-success" style="color: #00ff00;">Success text</span>

Event::listen(\BradieTilley\LaravelCssInliner\Events\PreEmailCssInlineEvent::class, fn () => doSomething());

CssInliner::beforeConvertingEmail(function (PreEmailCssInlineEvent $event) {
    # You have access to the unconverted-Email and CSS Inliner instance via the event
    $event->email; // instanceof: \Symfony\Component\Mime\Email
    $event->cssInliner; // instanceof BradieTilley\LaravelCssInliner\CssInliner
    echo $event->email->getHtmlBody(); // <html>...</html>

    # Because this is a 'before' event, you may choose to halt the conversion of this *one* Email
    return $event->cssInliner->halt();
    # Laravel will halt any other event listeners; CSS Inliner will return the Email immediately (and not convert it)

CssInliner::beforeConvertingHtml(function (PreCssInlineEvent $event) {
    # You have access to the unconverted-HTML and CSS Inliner instance via the event
    $event->html; // string
    $event->cssInliner; // instanceof BradieTilley\LaravelCssInliner\CssInliner
    echo $event->html; // <html>...</html>

    # Because this is a 'before' event, you may choose to halt the conversion of this *one* HTML string
    return $event->cssInliner->halt();
    # Laravel will halt any other event listeners; CSS Inliner will return the HTML immediately (and not convert it) 

CssInliner::afterConvertingHtml(function (PostCssInlineEvent $event) {
    # You have access to the converted-HTML and CSS Inliner instance via the event
    $event->html; // string
    $event->cssInliner; // instanceof BradieTilley\LaravelCssInliner\CssInliner
    echo $event->html; // <html>...</html>

    # Because this is an 'after' event, you cannot halt the conversion of the HTML string (unlike the 'before' event)

CssInliner::afterConvertingEmail(function (PostEmailCssInlineEvent $event) {
    # You have access to the converted-Email and CSS Inliner instance via the event
    $event->email; // instanceof: \Symfony\Component\Mime\Email
    $event->cssInliner; // instanceof BradieTilley\LaravelCssInliner\CssInliner
    echo $event->email->getHtmlBody(); // <html>...</html>

    # Because this is an 'after' event, you cannot halt the conversion of the Email (unlike the 'before' event)