PHP code example of bp-sys / yii2-aws-s3

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download bp-sys/yii2-aws-s3 library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


bp-sys / yii2-aws-s3 example snippets

    'components' => [
        // ...
        's3' => [
            'class' => 'bpsys\yii2\aws\s3\Service',
            'credentials' => [ // Aws\Credentials\CredentialsInterface|array|callable
                'key' => 'my-key',
                'secret' => 'my-secret',
            'region' => 'my-region',
            'defaultBucket' => 'my-bucket',
            'defaultAcl' => 'public-read',
            'defaultPresignedExpiration' => '+1 hour',
            'endpoint' => 'http://localhost:9000',
        // ...

/** @var \bpsys\yii2\aws\s3\Service $s3 */
$s3 = Yii::$app->get('s3');

/** @var \Aws\ResultInterface $result */
$result = $s3->commands()->get('filename.ext')->saveAs('/path/to/local/file.ext')->execute();

$result = $s3->commands()->put('filename.ext', 'body')->withContentType('text/plain')->execute();

$result = $s3->commands()->delete('filename.ext')->execute();

$result = $s3->commands()->upload('filename.ext', '/path/to/local/file.ext')->withAcl('private')->execute();

$result = $s3->commands()->restore('filename.ext', $days = 7)->execute();

$result = $s3->commands()->list('path/')->execute();

/** @var bool $exist */
$exist = $s3->commands()->exist('filename.ext')->execute();

/** @var string $url */
$url = $s3->commands()->getUrl('filename.ext')->execute();

/** @var string $signedUrl */
$signedUrl = $s3->commands()->getPresignedUrl('filename.ext', '+2 days')->execute();

/** @var \bpsys\yii2\aws\s3\Service $s3 */
$s3 = Yii::$app->get('s3');

/** @var \Aws\ResultInterface $result */
$result = $s3->get('filename.ext');

$result = $s3->put('filename.ext', 'body');

$result = $s3->delete('filename.ext');

$result = $s3->upload('filename.ext', '/path/to/local/file.ext');

$result = $s3->restore('filename.ext', $days = 7);

$result = $s3->list('path/');

/** @var bool $exist */
$exist = $s3->exist('filename.ext');

/** @var string $url */
$url = $s3->getUrl('filename.ext');

/** @var string $signedUrl */
$signedUrl = $s3->getPresignedUrl('filename.ext', '+2 days'); // Pass only one parameter to get expiration date from component defaults

/** @var \bpsys\yii2\aws\s3\interfaces\Service $s3 */
$s3 = Yii::$app->get('s3');

/** @var \bpsys\yii2\aws\s3\commands\GetCommand $command */
$command = $s3->create(GetCommand::class);

/** @var \Aws\ResultInterface $result */
$result = $s3->execute($command);

// or async
/** @var \GuzzleHttp\Promise\PromiseInterface $promise */
$promise = $s3->execute($command->async());

class Person extends \yii\db\ActiveRecord
    use \bpsys\yii2\aws\s3\traits\S3MediaTrait;
    // ...

$image = \yii\web\UploadedFile::getInstance( $formModel, 'my_file_attribute' );
// Save image as my_image.png on S3 at //my_bucket/images/ path
// $model->image will hold "my_image.png" after this call finish with success
$model->saveUploadedFile( $image, 'image', 'my_image.png' );

// Get the URL to the image on S3
$model->getFileUrl( 'image' );
// Get the presigned URL to the image on S3
// The default duration is "+1 day"
$model->getFilePresignedUrl( 'image' );

// Remove the file with named saved on the image attribute
// Continuing the example, here "//my_bucket/images/my_image.png" will be deleted from S3
$model->removeFile( 'image' );

// Save my_image.* to S3 on //my_bucket/images/ path
// The extension of the file will be determined by the submitted file type
// This allows multiple file types upload (png,jpg,gif,...)
$model->saveUploadedFile( $image, 'image', 'my_image', true );