PHP code example of boxuk / wp-feature-flags

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download boxuk/wp-feature-flags library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


boxuk / wp-feature-flags example snippets

		new \BoxUk\WpFeatureFlags\Flag(
			'experiment-19', // key
			'Experiment 19', // label
			'An experimental feature that we want to control the release of.', // description
			new \DateTime( '2020-03-23' ), // creation-date
			'experiments', // group-name
			true // force-enable
			false, // force-disable
		new \BoxUk\WpFeatureFlags\Flag(
			'Example Flag 2',
			'Another example feature flag',

\BoxUk\WpFeatureFlags\FlagRegister::instance()->get_flag( 'example-flag-2' )->is_enabled();

\BoxUk\WpFeatureFlags\FlagRegister::instance()->get_flag( 'example-flag-2' )->is_published(); // If the flag has been specifically published. This will return false for enforced-flags
\BoxUk\WpFeatureFlags\FlagRegister::instance()->get_flag( 'example-flag-2' )->enabled_for_user( $user_id ); // if the flag is in enabled for a specific user
\BoxUk\WpFeatureFlags\FlagRegister::instance()->get_flag( 'example-flag-2' )->is_force_enabled();
\BoxUk\WpFeatureFlags\FlagRegister::instance()->get_flag( 'example-flag-2' )->is_force_disabled();

/** Instantiate a Flag object **/
$flag = new \BoxUk\WpFeatureFlags\Flag(
	'Example Flag 3',
	'Another example feature flag',

/** Register the Flag **/
\BoxUk\WpFeatureFlags\FlagRegister::instance()->register_flag( $flag ); 

$user_id = 123; // A known user ID (ie, not `get_current_user_id()`

$published = $flag->is_published(); // will work immediately. 
$published = $flag->enabled_for_user(); // will return false until `init` because current user ID is not known before `init`. 
$published = $flag->enabled_for_user( $user_id ); // will work, since we don't need to lookup the current user. 
$published = $flag->enabled(); // will vary - if the flag has a forced state or published, this will work as expected. If none of the other rules apply, it fallsback to checking current user, so will return false before the `init` hook because we don't know the current user ID.
$published = $flag->enabled( $user_id ); // As above - will work as expected.