PHP code example of bovigo / callmap

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download bovigo/callmap library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


bovigo / callmap example snippets

// set up the instance to be used
$yourClass = NewInstance::of(YourClass::class, ['some', 'arguments'])
        'aMethod'     => 313,
        'otherMethod' => function() { return 'yeah'; },
        'play'        => onConsecutiveCalls(303, 808, 909, throws(new \Exception('error')),
        'ups'         => throws(new \Exception('error')),
        'hey'         => 'strtoupper'

// do some stuff, e.g. execute the logic to test

// verify method invocations and received arguments
verify($yourClass, 'aMethod')->wasCalledOnce();
verify($yourClass, 'hey')->received('foo');

use bovigo\callmap\NewInstance;
use bovigo\callmap\NewCallable;
use function bovigo\callmap\throws;
use function bovigo\callmap\onConsecutiveCalls;
use function bovigo\callmap\verify;

$yourClass = NewInstance::of(YourClass::class, ['some', 'arguments']);

$yourClass = NewInstance::stub(YourClass::class);

    'aMethod'     => 303,
    'otherMethod' => function() { return 'yeah'; }

$yourClass->returns(['aMethod' => 303]);
$yourClass->returns(['otherMethod' => function() { return 'yeah'; }]);

$yourClass->returns(['aMethod' => onConsecutiveCalls(303, 808, 909)]);

$yourClass->returns(['aMethod' => wrap(function() {  })]);

$this->assertTrue(is_callable($yourClass->aMethod()); // true

$yourClass->returns(['aMethod' => throws(new \Exception('error'))]);

$yourClass->returns(['aMethod' => throws(new \Error('error'))]);

$yourClass->returns(['aMethod' => onConsecutiveCalls(303, throws(new \Exception('error')))]);

$yourClass->returns(['aMethod' => function($arg1, $arg2) { return $arg2;}]);

echo $yourClass->aMethod(303, 'foo'); // prints foo

$yourClass->returns(['aMethod' => 'strtoupper']);

echo $yourClass->aMethod('foo'); // prints FOO

verify($yourClass, 'aMethod')->wasCalledOnce();

verify($yourClass, 'aMethod')->received(303, 'foo');

verify($yourClass, 'aMethod')->receivedOn(3, 303, 'foo');

verify($yourClass, 'aMethod')->receivedNothing(); // received nothing on first invocation
verify($yourClass, 'aMethod')->receivedNothing(3); // received nothing on third invocation

verify($yourClass, 'aMethod')->received(isInstanceOf('another\ExampleClass'));

verify($yourClass, 'aMethod')->received($this->isInstanceOf('another\ExampleClass'));

class Socket
    public function connect(string $host, int $port, float $timeout)
        $errno  = 0;
        $errstr = '';
        $resource = fsockopen($host, $port, $errno, $errstr, $timeout);
        if (false === $resource) {
            throw new ConnectionFailure(
                    'Connect to ' . $host . ':'. $port
                    . ' within ' . $timeout . ' seconds failed: '
                    . $errstr . ' (' . $errno . ').'

        // continue working with $resource

    // other methods here

class Socket
    private $fsockopen = 'fsockopen';

    public function openWith(callable $fsockopen)
        $this->fsockopen = $fsockopen;

    public function connect(string $host, int $port, float $timeout)
        $errno  = 0;
        $errstr = '';
        $fsockopen = $this->fsockopen;
        $resource = $fsockopen($host, $port, $errno, $errstr, $timeout);
        if (false === $resource) {
            throw new ConnectionFailure(
                    'Connect to ' . $host . ':'. $port
                    . ' within ' . $timeout . ' seconds failed: '
                    . $errstr . ' (' . $errno . ').'

        // continue working with $resource

    // other methods here

class SocketTest extends \PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase
     * @expectedException  ConnectionFailure
    public function testSocketFailure()
        $socket = new Socket();
        $socket->connect('', 80, 1.0);

$strlen = NewCallable::of('strlen');
// int(5), as original function will be called because no mapped return value defined

$strlen = NewCallable::stub('strlen');
// NULL, as no return value defined and original function not called

NewCallable::of('strlen')->returns(onConsecutiveCalls(5, 9, 10));
NewCallable::of('strlen')->returns(throws(new \Exception('failure!')));

NewCallable::of('strlen')->throws(new \Exception('failure!'));

$strlen = NewCallable::of('strlen');
// do something with $strlen
verify($strlen)->received('Hello world');