PHP code example of bootpress / bootstrap

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download bootpress/bootstrap library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


bootpress / bootstrap example snippets

use BootPress\Bootstrap\v3\Component as Bootstrap;

$bp = new Bootstrap;

// Use in your BootPress Blog's Twig templates as well:
$blog = new \BootPress\Blog\Component();
$blog->theme->vars['bp'] = $bp;

echo $bp->row('sm', array(
    $bp->col(3, 'left'),
    $bp->col(6, 'center'),
    $bp->col(3, 'right'),

echo $bp->row('sm', 'md', 'lg', array(
    $bp->col(12, '9 push-3', '10 push-2', 'content'),
    $bp->col('6 offset-3 clearfix', '3 pull-9', '2 pull-10', 'sidebar'),

echo $bp->lister('ol', array(
    'Tea' => array(
        'Black tea',
        'Green tea',

echo $bp->lister('ul list-inline', array(

echo $bp->lister('dl dl-horizontal', array(
    'Coffee' => array(
        'Black hot drink',
        'Caffeinated beverage',
    'Milk' => 'White cold drink',

echo $bp->table->open('class=responsive striped');
    echo $bp->table->head();
    echo $bp->table->cell('', 'One');
    echo $bp->table->row();
    echo $bp->table->cell('', 'Two');
    echo $bp->table->foot();
    echo $bp->table->cell('', 'Three');
echo $bp->table->close();

$form = $bp->form('sign_in');

$form->menu('remember', array('Y' => 'Remember me'));

    'email' => ' {
    $form->message('info', 'Good job, you are doing great!');

$form->size('lg'); // oversize the inputs
$form->align('collapse'); // default is horizontal

echo $form->header();
echo $form->fieldset('Sign In', array(
    $form->field('Email address', $form->group($bp->icon('user'), '', $form->text('email'))),
    $form->field('Password', $form->group($bp->icon('lock'), '', $form->password('password'))),
    $form->field('', $form->checkbox('remember'),
echo $form->close();

echo $bp->button('primary', 'Primary');

echo $bp->button('lg success', 'Link', array('href'=>'#'));

echo $bp->button('link', 'Button');

echo $bp->button('default', 'Dropdown', array(
    'dropdown' => array(
        'Action' => '#',
        'Another action' => '#',
        'Active link' => '#', 
        'Separated link' => '#',
        'Disabled link' => '#',
    'active' => 'Active link',
    'disabled' => 'Disabled link',

echo $bp->group('', array(
    $bp->button('default', 'Left'),
    $bp->button('default', 'Middle'),
    $bp->button('default', array('split'=>'Right'), array(
        'dropdown' => array(
            'Works' => '#',
            'Here' => '#',
            'Too' => '#',

echo $bp->tabs(array(
    'Nav' => '#',
    'Tabs' => '#',
    'Justified' => '#',
), array(
    'align' => 'justified',
    'active' => 1,

echo $bp->pills(array(
    'Home ' . $bp->badge(42) => '#',
    'Profile' . $bp->badge(0) => '#',
    'Messages' . $bp->badge(3) => array(
        'New! ' . $bp->badge(1) => '#',
        'Read ' => '#',
        'Trashed ' => '#',
        'Spam ' . $bp->badge(2) => '#',
), array(
    'active' => 'Home',

echo $bp->navbar->open(array('Website' => ''));
    echo $bp->navbar->menu(array(
        'Home' => '#',
        'Work' => '#',
        'Dropdown' => array(
            'Action' => '#',
            'More' => '#',
    ), array(
        'active' => 'Home',

    echo $bp->navbar->button('primary', 'Sign In', array(
        'pull' => 'right',

    echo $bp->navbar->search('', array(
        'button' => false,
echo $bp->navbar->close();

    'Home' => '#',
    'Library' => '#',
    'Data' => '#',

$records = range(1, 100);

if (!$bp->pagination->set('page', 10, '')) {

echo $pagination->links();

echo $pagination->pager();

echo $bp->label('default', 'New');

echo $bp->badge(13, 'right');

echo $bp->alert('info', '<h3>Heads up!</h3> This alert needs your attention, but it\'s not <a href="#">super important</a>.');

echo $bp->alert('danger', '<h3>Oh snap!</h3> Change a few things up and <a href="#">try submitting again</a>.', false);

echo $bp->progress(60, 'info', 'display');

echo $bp->progress(array(25, 25, 25, 25), array('', 'warning', 'success', 'danger striped'));

echo $bp->media(array(
    '<h1>Parent</h1> <p>Paragraph</p>',
    '<img src="parent.jpg" alt="Family Photo">',
        '<h2>1st Child</h2>',
            '<h3>1st Grandchild</h3>',
        '<h2>2nd Child</h2>',
), array(
    'class' => 'spoiled',
    '<h1>Sibling</h1> <a href="#">Link</a>',
    '<img src="sibling.jpg" alt="Family Photo">',

    $bp->badge(1) . ' Group',

    'Linked' => '#',
    'List' => '#',
    'Group ' . $bp->badge(2) => '#',
), 'Linked');

    '<h4>Custom</h4> <p>List</p>' => '#',
    $bp->badge(3) . ' <h4>Group</h4> <p>Linked</p>' => '#',
), 1);

echo $bp->panel('primary', array(
    'header' => '<h3>Title</h3>',
    'body' => 'Content',
    'footer' => '<a href="#">Link</a>',

echo $bp->panel('default', array(
    'header': 'List group',

echo $bp->toggle('tabs', array(
    'Home' => 'One',
    'Profile' => 'Two',
    'Dropdown' => array(
        'This' => 'Three',
        'That' => 'Four',
), array(
    'active' => 'This',

echo $bp->accordion('info', array(
    '<h4>Group Item #1</h4>' => 'One',
    '<h4>Group Item #2</h4>' => 'Two',
    '<h4>Group Item #3</h4>' => 'Three',
), 2);

echo '<div style="width:500px; height:300px; margin:20px auto;">';
echo $bp->carousel(array(
    '<img src="" width="500" height="300">',
    '<img src="" width="500" height="300">' => '<p>Caption</p>',
    '<img src="" width="500" height="300">' => '<h3>Header</h3>',
), array(
    'interval' => 3000,
echo '</div>';