PHP code example of boneq / laravel-onenet

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download boneq/laravel-onenet library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


boneq / laravel-onenet example snippets


  'encodekey'=>env('OneNet_EncodingAESKey', '消息加解密秘钥'),


Route::any('/onenet', 'OneNetController@onenet');

namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use OneNet;

class OneNetController extends Controller
    public function serve()
        $app = app('onenet');
            //收到服务器推送的信息数据存为日志 info为laravel日志函数
        //必须return $server 基本平台验证就要返回数据
        return $server;

use OneNet;

public function addTerminal()
    // name 是设备名称,MQTT是设备协议
    return OneNet::add('name','MQTT');

use OneNet;

public function editTerminal()
    // ter_id是设备id,name 是设备名称,MQTT是设备协议
    return OneNet::edit('ter_id','name','MQTT');

use OneNet;

public function deleteTerminal()
    // ter_id是设备id
    return OneNet::delect('ter_id');

use OneNet;

public function sendMessage()
    // ter_id是设备id,$data是json数据
    return OneNet::send('ter_id',$data);
  php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Boneq\OneNet\OneNetServiceProvider"