PHP code example of bonami / collections

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download bonami/collections library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


bonami / collections example snippets

use Bonami\Collection\ArrayList;

class Person {

	public function __construct(
		private readonly string $name,
		private readonly int $age
	) {}


$persons = ArrayList::of(new Person('John', 31), new Person('Jacob', 22), new Person('Arthur', 29));
$names = $persons
	->filter(fn (Person $person): bool => $person->age <= 30)
	->sort(fn (Person $a, Person $b): int => $a->name <=> $b->name)
	->map(fn (Person $person): string => $person->name)

// $names = "Arthur;Jacob"

use Bonami\Collection\ArrayList;

$colors = ArrayList::fromIterable(['red', 'green', 'blue']);
$objects = ArrayList::fromIterable(['car', 'pencil']);

$coloredObjects = ArrayList::fromIterable($colors)
	->flatMap(fn (string $color) => $objects->map(fn (string $object) => "{$color} {$object}"))

// $coloredObjects = ArrayList::of('red car', 'red pencil', 'green car', 'green pencil', 'blue car', 'blue pencil')

use Bonami\Collection\ArrayList;

$concat = fn (string $first, string $second) => "{$first} {$second}";
$coloredObjects = ArrayList::lift2($concat)($colors, $objects);

use Bonami\Collection\ArrayList;
use Bonami\Collection\Map;
use function Bonami\Collection\identity;
use function Bonami\Collection\descendingComparator;

function frequencyAnalysis(string $text): Map {
	$chars = preg_split('//u', $text, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
	return ArrayList::fromIterable($chars)
		->mapValues(fn (ArrayList $group): int => $group->count());

$text = 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras nec mi rhoncus, dignissim tortor ac,' .
    ' aliquam metus. Maecenas non hendrerit tellus. Nam molestie augue ac lectus cursus consequat. Nunc ' .
    'ultrices metus sit amet nulla blandit lacinia. Nam vestibulum ultrices mollis. Morbi consequat ante non ' .
    'ornare lobortis. Nullam enim mauris, tempus quis auctor eu, condimentum dignissim nunc. Integer dapibus ' .
    'dolor eu nisl euismod sagittis. Phasellus magna ante, pharetra eget nisi vehicula, elementum lacinia dui. ' .
    'Aliquam semper at eros a sodales. In a rhoncus sapien. Integer blandit volutpat nisl. Donec vitae massa eget ' .
    'mauris dignissim cursus nec et erat. Suspendisse consectetur ac quam sit amet pretium.';

// top ten characters by number of occurrences
$top10 = frequencyAnalysis($text)

use Bonami\Collection\ArrayList;
use Bonami\Collection\Option;

$getUserNameById = function(int $id): Option {
	$userNamesById = [
		1 => "John",
		2 => "Paul",
		3 => "George",
		4 => "Ringo",
	return Option::fromNullable($userNamesById[$id] ?? null);

print Option::traverse(ArrayList::fromIterable([1, 3, 4]), $getUserNameById); 
// Some([John, Paul, Ringo])

use Bonami\Collection\ArrayList;
use Bonami\Collection\Option;

$getUserNameById = function(int $id): Option {
	$userNamesById = [
		1 => "John",
		2 => "Paul",
		3 => "George",
		4 => "Ringo",
	return Option::fromNullable($userNamesById[$id] ?? null);

print ArrayList::fromIterable([1, 3, 4])
// [Some(John), Some(George), Some(Ringo)]

use Bonami\Collection\ArrayList;
use Bonami\Collection\Option;

$getUserNameById = function(int $id): Option {
	$userNamesById = [
		1 => "John",
		2 => "Paul",
		3 => "George",
		4 => "Ringo",
	return Option::fromNullable($userNamesById[$id] ?? null);

print Option::traverse(ArrayList::fromIterable([1, 3, 666]), $getUserNameById); 
// None