PHP code example of bnomei / kirby3-janitor

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download bnomei/kirby3-janitor library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


bnomei / kirby3-janitor example snippets

use Bnomei\Janitor;
use Kirby\CLI\CLI;

return [
    'description' => 'Example',
    'args' => [] + Janitor::ARGS, // page, file, user, site, data, model
    'command' => static function (CLI $cli): void {
        $page = page($cli->arg('page'));

        // output for the command line
            $page->title() . ' ' . $cli->arg('data')

        // output for janitor
        janitor()->data($cli->arg('command'), [
            'status' => 200,
            'message' => $page->title() . ' ' . $cli->arg('data'),

return [
    'example' => function ($model, $data = null) {
        return [
            'status' => 200,
            'message' => $model->title() . ' ' . $data,
    // ... other options

Kirby\CLI\CLI::command('whistle'); // tests/site/commands/whistle.php

return [
    // ATTENTION: choose a different secret!
    'bnomei.janitor.secret' => 'e9fe51f94eadabf54',

    'routes' => [
        // custom webhook endpoint reusing janitors secret
            'pattern' => 'webhook/(:any)/(:any)',
            'action' => function($secret, $command) {
                if ($secret != janitor()->option('secret')) {

                if ($command === 'backup') {
                    janitor()->command('janitor:backupzip --quiet');
                    $backup = janitor()->data('janitor:backupzip')['path'];
                    if (F::exists($backup)) {
                            'mime' => F::mime($backup),
                            'name' => F::filename($backup),
                        die(); // needed to make content type work

Kirby\CLI\CLI::command('uuid', '--page', 'some/page'); // tests/site/commands/uuid.php

janitor()->command('uuid --page some/page');

var_dump(janitor()->data('uuid')['message']); // page://82h2nkal12ls

list($name, $args) = Bnomei\Janitor::parseCommand('uuid --page page://82h2nkal12ls');
Kirby\CLI\CLI::command($name, ...$args);

return [
  'bnomei.janitor.secret' => 'e9fe51f94eadabf54', // whatever string you like
  //... other options

return [
  'bnomei.janitor.secret' => fn() => env('MY_JANITOR_SECRET'),
  //... other options

wget --delete-after
// or
curl -s > /dev/null

return [
    // return `true` for maintenance and `false` to skip maintenance
    'bnomei.janitor.maintenance.check' => function(): bool {
        // example: block unless it is a logged-in user and it has the admin role
        return kirby()->users()->current()?->role()->isAdmin() !== true;
    // other options...