PHP code example of bmarsaud / phpunit-snapshot-assertions

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download bmarsaud/phpunit-snapshot-assertions library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


bmarsaud / phpunit-snapshot-assertions example snippets

use Spatie\Snapshots\MatchesSnapshots;

class OrderTest
    use MatchesSnapshots;

    public function test_it_casts_to_json()
        $order = new Order(1);


$orderId = new Order(2); // Regression! Was `1`

public function test_it_is_foo() {

public function test_it_is_foo() {

protected function getSnapshotId(): string
    return (new ReflectionClass($this))->getShortName().'--'.

protected function getSnapshotDirectory(): string
    return dirname((new ReflectionClass($this))->getFileName()).

use Spatie\Snapshots\Drivers\JsonDriver;
use Spatie\Snapshots\MatchesSnapshots;

class OrderTest
    use MatchesSnapshots;

    public function test_snapshot_with_json_driver()
        $order = new Order(1);

        $this->assertMatchesSnapshot($order->toJson(), new JsonDriver());

namespace Spatie\Snapshots\Drivers;

use PHPUnit\Framework\Assert;
use Spatie\Snapshots\Driver;
use Spatie\Snapshots\Exceptions\CantBeSerialized;

class JsonDriver implements Driver
    public function serialize($data): string
        if (! is_string($data)) {
            throw new CantBeSerialized('Only strings can be serialized to json');

        return json_encode(json_decode($data), JSON_PRETTY_PRINT).PHP_EOL;

    public function extension(): string
        return 'json';

    public function match($expected, $actual)
        Assert::assertJsonStringEqualsJsonString($actual, $expected);

$this->assertMatchesSnapshot($something->toYaml(), new MyYamlDriver());
tests/**/__snapshots__/** text eol=lf