PHP code example of bluepayment-plugin / bm-sdk

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download bluepayment-plugin/bm-sdk library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


bluepayment-plugin / bm-sdk example snippets

// ..

$client = new BlueMedia\Client('ID SERWISU', 'KLUCZ WSPÓŁDZIELONY');

$client = new BlueMedia\Client('ID SERWISU', 'KLUCZ WSPÓŁDZIELONY');

$client = new BlueMedia\Client(
    'ID SERWISU', 
    'sha256', // tryb hashowania, domyślnie sha256, można użyć stałej z BlueMedia\Common\Enum\ClientEnum
    '|' // separator danych, domyślnie |

$result = $client->getTransactionRedirect([
   'gatewayUrl' => '', // Adres bramki Autopay
   'transaction' => [
       'orderID' => '123', // Id transakcji, wymagany
       'amount' => '1.20', // Kwota transakcji, wymagany
       'description' => 'Transakcja 123-123', // Tytuł transakcji, opcjonalny
       'currency' => 'PLN', // Waluta transakcji, opcjonalny, domyślnie PLN
       'customerEmail' => '[email protected]' // Email klienta, opcjonalny, zalecany ze względu na automatyczne uzupełnienie pola po stronie serwisu BM

echo $result->getData();

$data = [
    'ServiceID' => '123456',
    'OrderID' => '123',
    'Hash' => 'df5f737f48bcef93361f590b460cc633b28f91710a60415527221f9cb90da52a'

$result = $client->doConfirmationCheck($data); // true | false

$result = $client->doTransactionInit([
    'gatewayUrl' => '',
    'transaction' => [
        'orderID' => '123',
        'amount' => '1.20',
        'description' => 'Transakcja 123-123',
        'currency' => 'PLN',
        'customerEmail' => '[email protected]'

$transactionContinue = $result->getData();

$transactionContinue->getRedirectUrl(); //
$transactionContinue->getStatus(); // PENDING
$transactionContinue->getOrderId(); // 123
$transactionContinue->toArray(); // [...]
// ...

$result = $client->doTransactionInit([
    'gatewayUrl' => '',
    'transaction' => [
        'orderID' => '123',
        'amount' => '1.20',
        'description' => 'Transakcja 123-123',
        'gatewayID' => '1500',
        'currency' => 'PLN',
        'customerEmail' => '[email protected]',
        'customerIP' => '',
        'title' => 'Test',

$transactionInit = $result->getData();

$transactionInit->getConfirmation(); // NOTCONFIRMED
$transactionInit->getReason(); // MULTIPLY_PAID_TRANSACTION
$transactionInit->getOrderId(); // 123
$transactionInit->toArray(); // [...]
// ...

$result = $client->doTransactionBackground([
    'gatewayUrl' => '',
    'transaction' => [
       'orderID' => '12345',
       'amount' => '5.12',
       'description' => 'Test transaction 12345',
       'gatewayID' => '21',
       'currency' => 'PLN',
       'customerEmail' => '[email protected]',
       'customerIP' => '',
       'title' => 'Test',
       'validityTime' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime('now +5 hour')),
       'linkValidityTime' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime('now +5 hour'))

$transactionBackground = $result->getData();

$transactionBackground->getReceiverNRB(); // 47 1050 1764 1000 0023 2741 0516
$transactionBackground->getReceiverName(); // Autopay
$transactionBackground->getBankHref(); //
$transactionBackground->toArray(); // [...]
// ...

$result = $client->doTransactionBackground([
    'gatewayUrl' => '',
    'transaction' => [
       'orderID' => '12345',
       'amount' => '5.12',
       'description' => 'Test transaction 12345',
       'gatewayID' => '1500',
       'currency' => 'PLN',
       'customerEmail' => '[email protected]',
       'customerIP' => '',
       'title' => 'Test',
       'validityTime' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime('now +5 hour')),
       'linkValidityTime' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime('now +5 hour'))

$transactionBackground = $result->getData();

echo $transactionBackground; // <form action="" name="formGoPBL" method="POST"><input type="hidden" name="transaction" value="758519"> (...)

$result = $client->doItnIn($_POST['transactions']);

$itnIn = $result->getData();
$transactionConfirmed = $client->checkHash($itnIn);

// Jeżeli status płatności z ITN jest potwierdzony i hash jest poprawny - zakończ płatność w systemie
if ($itnIn->getPaymentStatus() === 'SUCCESS' && $transactionConfirmed) {
    $order = $this->orderRepository->find($itnIn->getOrderId());


$itnResponse = $client->doItnInResponse($itnIn, $transactionConfirmed);

return new Response($itnResponse->getData()->toXml());

$itn = Client::getItnObject($_POST['transactions']);

$itn->getCurrency(); // PLN
// ...

$result = $this->client->getRegulationList('');

return $result->getData();

$result = $this->client->getPaywayList('');

return $result->getData();