PHP code example of blueday / behat-html-formatter

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download blueday/behat-html-formatter library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


blueday / behat-html-formatter example snippets

         * @BeforeScenario
         * @param BeforeScenarioScope $scope
        public function setUpTestEnvironment($scope)
            $this->currentScenario = $scope->getScenario();

         * @AfterStep
         * @param AfterStepScope $scope
        public function afterStep($scope)
            //if test has failed, and is not an api test, get screenshot
                //create filename string
                $featureFolder = str_replace(' ', '', $scope->getFeature()->getTitle());
                $scenarioName = $this->currentScenario->getTitle();
                $fileName = str_replace(' ', '', $scenarioName) . '.png';
                //create screenshots directory if it doesn't exist
                if (!file_exists('results/html/assets/screenshots/' . $featureFolder)) {
                    mkdir('results/html/assets/screenshots/' . $featureFolder);
                //take screenshot and save as the previously defined filename
                $this->driver->takeScreenshot('results/html/assets/screenshots/' . $featureFolder . '/' . $fileName);