PHP code example of blue-tomato / elasticsearch-feeder

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download blue-tomato/elasticsearch-feeder library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


blue-tomato / elasticsearch-feeder example snippets

function newsDetailsPage($page) {

  // don't send page to Elasticsearch in case we don't want to
  if($page->property->value == "xyz") { return false; }

  // now start building the $document array you want to ship to Elasicsearch
  $document = [];
  $document['type'] = 'news-detailspage';
  $document['name'] = $page->title;

  // if you need to generate an ElasticSeach ID withtin a schema file
  $ElasticsearchFeeder = wire('modules')->get('ElasticsearchFeeder');
  $indexPrefix = $ElasticsearchFeeder->getIndexPrefix();
  $document['some_other_page'] = $ElasticsearchFeeder->createElasticSearchDocumentHashedId($page->get('some_other_page')->id, $indexPrefix),

  // send $document back to ElasticsearchFeeder module
  return $document;

$config->elasticsearchFeederConnectionOverride = [
  "es_protocol" => "http",
  "es_host" => "localhost:9200",
  "es_access_key" => "",
  "es_access_secret" => ""
php site/modules/ElasticsearchFeeder/batchSync.php
php site/modules/ElasticsearchFeeder/batchCleanup.php