PHP code example of bjerke / laravel-bread

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download bjerke/laravel-bread library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


bjerke / laravel-bread example snippets

Route::get('definition', [UserController::class, 'definition']); // Fetch model field definitions

Route::get('', [UserController::class, 'index']); // Query multiple users, uses ApiQueryBuilder
Route::post('', [UserController::class, 'create']); // Create new user
Route::get('{id}', [UserController::class, 'view']); // Fetch single user
Route::patch('{id}', [UserController::class, 'update']); // Update user
Route::delete('{id}', [UserController::class, 'delete']); // Delete user
Route::delete('{id}/detach/{relatedModel}', [UserController::class, 'detach']); // Attach an existing model to be related to user
Route::put('{id}/attach/{relatedModel}', [UserController::class, 'attach']); // Detach an existing related model from user

// If you want to use TUS uploads add this route
Route::any('tus/{chunkId?}', [UserController::class, 'tus']); // Handle TUS uploads

class User
    use FieldDefinition;
    use QueryBuilderModelTrait;
    use BreadModelTrait;

    protected function define(DefinitionBuilder $definition): DefinitionBuilder
            (new TextField('first_name'))->label(Lang::get('fields.first_name'))->,' . $this->id) : ''))
        return $definition;

class ProductController extends BreadController
    public function index(Request $request, $applyQuery = null)
        return parent::index($request, static function (Builder $query) {
            $query->where('distributor_id', \Auth::user()->distributor_id);

class ProductController extends BreadController
    public function update(Request $request, $id, $with = [], $applyQuery = null, $beforeSave = null)
        /* @var Product $product */
        $product = parent::update($request, $id, $with, $applyQuery, static function (Product $product) {
            // Set a custom property on the model before saving
            $product->last_updated_by = \Auth::id();

        return $product;
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Bjerke\Bread\BreadServiceProvider"