PHP code example of biscolab / google-maps-php-sdk

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download biscolab/google-maps-php-sdk library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


biscolab / google-maps-php-sdk example snippets

use Biscolab\GoogleMaps\Api\Geocoding;
use Biscolab\GoogleMaps\Enum\GoogleMapsApiConfigFields;

$geocoding = new Geocoding([
	GoogleMapsApiConfigFields::KEY => 'YOUR_API_KEY'

$results = $geocoding->getByAddress('Insert your address here, city, postal code etc...');

// Set Spanish language
$results = $geocoding->setLanguage('es')->getByAddress('Insert your address here, city, postal code etc...');

$results = $geocoding->getByLatLng(new LatLng([
			LatLngFields::LAT => $lat,
			LatLngFields::LNG => $lng,

// Alias `getReverse` deprecated!!!
$results = $geocoding->getReverse(new LatLng([
			LatLngFields::LAT => $lat,
			LatLngFields::LNG => $lng,

// Set Spanish language
$results = $geocoding->setLanguage('es')->getByLatLng(new LatLng([
			LatLngFields::LAT => $lat,
			LatLngFields::LNG => $lng,

// Use the same way for getReverse (alias) method

$results = $geocoding->getByPlaceId('YOUR_PLACE_ID');

$number_of_results = $results->count();

$first_result = $results->first();

use Biscolab\GoogleMaps\Api\Elevation;
use Biscolab\GoogleMaps\Enum\GoogleMapsApiConfigFields;

$elevation = new Elevation([
	GoogleMapsApiConfigFields::KEY => 'YOUR_API_KEY'

// get results by single Location object
$locations = new Location([
	LatLngFields::LAT => 39.73915360,
	LatLngFields::LNG => -104.9847034,

// or by multiple Location objects
$locations = [
	new Location([
		LatLngFields::LAT => 39.73915360,
		LatLngFields::LNG => -104.9847034,
	// ... more locations
	new Location([
		LatLngFields::LAT => 50.123,
		LatLngFields::LNG => 99.456,

// or by polyline
$locations = 'enc:gfo}EtohhU';

// make API call
$results = $elevation->getByLocations($locations);

// or by multiple Location objects
$path = [
	new Location([
		LatLngFields::LAT => 39.73915360,
		LatLngFields::LNG => -104.9847034,
	// ... more locations
	new Location([
		LatLngFields::LAT => 50.123,
		LatLngFields::LNG => 99.456,

// or by polyline
$path = 'enc:gfo}EtohhUxD@bAxJmGF';

// make API call
$samples = 5; // must be int > 0
$results = $elevation->getBySampledPath($path, $samples);

$number_of_results = $results->count();

$first_result = $results->first();

use Biscolab\GoogleMaps\Api\Places;
use Biscolab\GoogleMaps\Enum\GoogleMapsApiConfigFields;

$place = new Places([
	GoogleMapsApiConfigFields::KEY => 'YOUR_API_KEY'

use Biscolab\GoogleMaps\Fields\GoogleMapsRequestFields;

// get results by place's name or address
$result = $places->findPlaceByText("Museum of Contemporary Art Australia");

use Biscolab\GoogleMaps\Fields\GoogleMapsRequestFields;

// get results by place's phone number
$result = $places->findPlaceByPhoneNumber("+61293744000");

use Biscolab\GoogleMaps\Object\Location;
use Biscolab\GoogleMaps\Fields\GoogleMapsRequestFields;

$location = new Location([
        LatLngFields::LAT => -33.8670522,
        LatLngFields::LNG => 151.1957362,
$radius = 1000;

$result = $places->findNearbyPlaceByRadius($location, $radius);

use Biscolab\GoogleMaps\Object\Location;
use Biscolab\GoogleMaps\Fields\GoogleMapsRequestFields;

$location = new Location([
        LatLngFields::LAT => -33.8670522,
        LatLngFields::LNG => 151.1957362,

// You MUST set at least one of following values
$params = [
    GoogleMapsRequestFields::KEYWORD => 'a keyword',
    GoogleMapsRequestFields::NAME => 'name of the place you are looking for',
    // Biscolab\GoogleMaps\Values\PlaceTypeValues enum class
    GoogleMapsRequestFields::TYPE => 'Type of the place you are looking for'

$result = $places->findNearbyPlaceByDistance($location, $params);

use Biscolab\GoogleMaps\Fields\GoogleMapsRequestFields;

$query = "restaurants in Sydney";

$params = [

$result = $places->textSearch($query, $params);

use Biscolab\GoogleMaps\Fields\GoogleMapsRequestFields;

$place_id = "ChIJN1t_tDeuEmsRUsoyG83frY4";

$params = [

$result = $places->details($place_id, $params);

$number_of_results = $results->count();

$first_result = $results->first();

// getNextPage method checks if $result has "next page"
$next_page_result = $result->getNextPage();

use Biscolab\GoogleMaps\Api\TimeZone;
use Biscolab\GoogleMaps\Enum\GoogleMapsApiConfigFields;

$timezone = new TimeZone([
	GoogleMapsApiConfigFields::KEY => 'YOUR_API_KEY'

$result = $timezone->get($location, $timestamp, $language);
