PHP code example of binary-cats / laravel-sku

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download binary-cats/laravel-sku library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


binary-cats / laravel-sku example snippets

$model = new EloquentModel();
$model->name = 'Laravel is Awesome';

echo $model->sku; // ouputs "LAR-80564492"

return [

    | SKU settings
    | Set up your SKU
    'default' => [
         * SKU is based on a specific field of a model
         * You can use a single field or an array of fields
        'source' => 'name',

         * Destination model field name
        'field' => 'sku',

         * SKU separator
        'separator' => '-',

         * Shall SKUs be enforced to be unique
        'unique' => true,

         * Shall SKUs be generated on create
        'generate_on_create' => true,

         * Shall SKUs be re-generated on update
        'generate_on_update' => true,

    | SKU Generator
    | Define your own generator if needed.
    'generator' => \BinaryCats\Sku\Concerns\SkuGenerator::class,

namespace App;

use BinaryCats\Sku\HasSku;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class Product extends Model
    use HasSku;

namespace App;

use BinaryCats\Sku\HasSku;
use BinaryCats\Sku\Concerns\SkuOptions;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;

class Product extends Model
    use HasSku;

     * Get the options for generating the Sku.
     * @return BinaryCats\Sku\SkuOptions
    public function skuOptions() : SkuOptions
        return SkuOptions::make()
            ->from(['label', 'another_field'])

namespace App\Components\SkuGenerator;

use BinaryCats\Sku\Concerns\SkuGenerator;

class CustomSkuGenerator extends SkuGenerator
     * Get the source fields for the SKU.
     * @return string
    protected function getSourceString(): string
        // fetch the source fields
        $source = $this->options->source;
        // Fetch fields from model, skip empty
        $fields = array_filter($this->model->only($source));
        // Fetch fields from the model, if empty, use custom logic to resolve
        if (empty($fields)) {
            return 'some-random-value-logic';
        // Impode with a separator
        return implode($this->options->separator, $fields);

    'generator' => \App\Components\SkuGenerator\CustomSkuGenerator::class,
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="BinaryCats\Sku\SkuServiceProvider" --tag="config"