PHP code example of bigcommerce / grphp

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download bigcommerce/grphp library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


bigcommerce / grphp example snippets

$config = new Grphp\Client\Config([
    'hostname' => 'IP_OF_SERVER:PORT',
$client = new Grphp\Client(Things\ThingsClient::class, $config);

$request = new Things\GetThingReq();

$resp = $client->call($request, 'GetThing');
$thing = $resp->getResponse(); // Things\Thing
echo $thing->id; // 1234
echo $resp->getStatusCode(); // 0 (these are gRPC status codes)
echo $resp->getStatusDetails(); // OK

$proxyConfig = new Grphp\Client\Strategy\H2Proxy\Config('', 15);
$proxyStrategyFactory = new Grphp\Client\Strategy\H2Proxy\StrategyFactory($proxyConfig);
$config = new Grphp\Client\Config([
    'strategy' => $proxyStrategyFactory->build(),

// Connect to Envoy at
$envoyConfig = new Grphp\Client\Strategy\Envoy\Config('', 19000, 2);
$envoyStrategyFactory = new Grphp\Client\Strategy\Envoy\StrategyFactory($envoyConfig);
$config = new Grphp\Client\Config([
    'strategy' => $envoyStrategyFactory->build(),

$config = new Grphp\Client\Config([
    'hostname' => 'IP_OF_SERVER:PORT',
    'authentication' => 'basic',
    'authentication_options' => [
        'username' => 'foo',
        'password' => 'bar', // optional

use Grphp\Client\Response;
use Grphp\Client\Interceptors\Base as BaseInterceptor;

class FooHeader extends BaseInterceptor
     * @param callable $callback
     * @return Response
    public function call(callable $callback)
        // set outgoing metadata
        $this->metadata['stuff'] = ['my_thing'];
        // make the outbound call
        $response = $callback();  
        // adjust incoming metadata        
            'X-Foo' => $this->options['foo_value'],
        return $response;

$i = new FooHeader(['foo_value' => 'bar']);

use Grphp\Client\Interceptors\Retry;

$client->addInterceptor(new Retry(['max_retries' => 3]));

try {
    $resp = $client->call($request, 'GetErroringMethod');
} catch (\Grphp\Client\Error $e) {
    $trailer = $e->getTrailer();
    var_dump($trailer); // ['message' => 'Foo']

class MyProtoSerializer extends Grphp\Serializers\Errors\Base
    public function deserialize($trailer)
        $header = new \My\Proto\ErrorHeader();
        return $header;

$config = new Grphp\Client\Config([
    'hostname' => 'IP_OF_SERVER:PORT',
    'error_serializer' => new MyProtoSerializer(),