PHP code example of bf-dsf / php-dynamodb-odm

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download bf-dsf/php-dynamodb-odm library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


bf-dsf / php-dynamodb-odm example snippets

use BF\Mlib\ODM\Dynamodb\ItemManager;

$awsConfig     = [
    "profile" => "oasis-minhao",
    "region"  => "ap-northeast-1"
$tablePrefix   = "odm-";
$cacheDir      = __DIR__ . "/ut/cache";
$isDev         = true;
$itemNamespace = 'BF\Mlib\ODM\Dynamodb\Ut'; // in practice, this usually looks like: My\Root\Namespace\Items
$itemSrcDir    = __DIR__ . "/ut"; // in practice, this usually points to src/Items directory

$im = new ItemManager(

use BF\Mlib\ODM\Dynamodb\Console\ConsoleHelper;

// replace with file to your own project bootstrap
 new ConsoleHelper($itemManager);

use BF\Mlib\ODM\Dynamodb\Annotations\Field;
use BF\Mlib\ODM\Dynamodb\Annotations\Item;

 * @Item(
 *     table="users",
 *     primaryIndex={"id"}
 * )
class User
     * @var int
     * @Field(type="number")
    protected $id;

     * @var string
     * @Field(type="string")
    protected $name;

 * @Item(
 *     table="users",
 *     primaryIndex={"id"},
 *     globalSecondaryIndices={
 *         @Index(hash="class", range="age", name="class-age-gsi")
 *     }
 * )
class User
    // ...

     * @var string
     * @Field()
    protected $class;

     * @var int
     * @Field(type="number")
    protected $age;

/** @var ItemManger $im */
$user = new User();

/** @var ItemManger $im */
/** @var User $user */

/** @var ItemManger $im */
/** @var User $user */
$im->flush(); // changes to $user will not be synchronized

/** @var ItemManager $im */
$user = $im->get(User::class, ["id" => 1]);

/** @var ItemManager $im */
/** @var ItemRepository $userRepo */
$userRepo = $im->getRepository(User::class);
$user = $userRepo->get(["id" => 1]);

/** @var ItemManager $im */
/** @var ItemRepository $userRepo */
$userRepo = $im->getRepository(User::class);
/** @var Users[] $users */
$users = $userRepo->query(
    "#class = :class AND #age >= :minAge",
        ":class" => "A",
        ":minAge" => 25,

/** @var ItemManager $im */
/** @var ItemRepository $userRepo */
$userRepo = $im->getRepository(User::class);
/** @var Users[] $users */
$users = $userRepo->multiQueryAndRun(
    function ($item) {
        // each item returned can be accessed here in the callback
    "classPartition", // PartitionedHashKey field name
    "A", // value expected in the base field (not the partition field)
    "#age >= :minAge", // only range conditions here
        ":minAge" => 25,
    "class-partition-age-index" // index for PartitionedHashKey

/** @var ItemManager $im */
/** @var ItemRepository $userRepo */
$userRepo = $im->getRepository(User::class);
/** @var Users[] $users */
$users = $userRepo->scan(
    "#class = :class AND #age >= :minAge AND #name = :name",
        ":class" => "A",
        ":minAge" => 25,
        ":name" => "John",

$ composer