PHP code example of beyondcode / laravel-favicon

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download beyondcode/laravel-favicon library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


beyondcode / laravel-favicon example snippets

return [

     * The list of enabled environments for the dynamic favicon
     * generation. You can specify the text to display as well
     * as the font and background color for the text.
     * If no background color is specified, the text will be
     * on a transparent background.
    'enabled_environments' => [
        'local' => [
            'text' => 'DEV',
            'color' => '#000000',
            'background_color' => '#ffffff',

     * The dynamic favicon text padding to apply.
    'padding' => [
        'x' => 2,
        'y' => 2,

     * The font file to use for the dynamic favicon generation.
     * The default value will use OpenSans Regular.
    'font' => null,

    * Intervention Image supports "GD Library" and "Imagick" to process images
    * internally. You may choose one of them according to your PHP
    * configuration. By default PHP's "GD Library" implementation is used.
    * If you want to convert ICO files, you need to use imagick.
    * Supported: "gd", "imagick"
    'image_driver' => 'gd',

     * The prefix to use for the dynamic favicon URL.
    'url_prefix' => 'laravel-favicon',

     * The favicon generator class to use. The default generator
     * makes use of the environment settings defined in this file.
     * But you can create your own favicon generator if you want.
    'generator' => \BeyondCode\LaravelFavicon\Generators\EnvironmentGenerator::class,


interface FaviconGenerator
    public function generate(string $icon): Response;

    public function shouldGenerateFavicon(): bool;

php artisan vendor:publish --provider='BeyondCode\LaravelFavicon\FaviconServiceProvider' --tag='config'