PHP code example of bernskioldmedia / wp-plugin-base
1. Go to this page and download the library: Download bernskioldmedia/wp-plugin-base library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards */
bernskioldmedia / wp-plugin-base example snippets
use BernskioldMedia\WP\PluginBase\Jobs\Job;
class My_Job extends Job {
protected $action = 'clone_media_job';
* Process the Queue
* @param array $data
* @return bool
protected function task( $data ) {
// Do things here...
return false;
protected function complete() {
// This code will run once the entire job is complete.
$job = new MyJob();
foreach( $items as $item ) {
$item_data = [];
$job->push_to_queue( $item_data );
use BernskioldMedia\WP\PluginBase\Admin\Bulk_Action;
class My_Bulk_Action extends Bulk_Action {
protected static $scope = 'edit-post';
protected static $slug = 'my_bulk_action';
public static function process( int $object_id ): void {
// Do something with each post here.
protected static function get_name(): string {
return __( 'My Bulk Action', 'TEXTDOMAIN' );
use BernskioldMedia\WP\PluginBase\Admin\Multisite_Tab;
class My_Tab extends Multisite_Tab {
protected static string $nonce = 'my-tab-nonce';
protected static string $slug = 'my-tab';
protected static string $capability = 'manage_sites';
protected static function get_title(): string {
return __( 'My Tab', 'TEXTDOMAIN' );
public static function notice(): void {
if ( ! isset( $_GET['updated'], $_GET['page'] ) || self::$slug !== $_GET['page'] ) {
protected static array $public_scripts = [
'my-script' => [
'subfolder' => 'assets/scripts/dist', // Required.
'dependencies' => [], // Defaults to empty array if not set.
'version' => '1.0', // Defaults to plugin version if not set.
'in_footer' => true, // Defaults to true if not set.
protected static array $public_styles = [
'my-style' => [
'subfolder' => 'assets/styles/dist', // Required.
'dependencies' => [], // Defaults to empty array if not set.
'version' => '1.0', // Defaults to plugin version if not set.
'media' => 'screen', // Defaults to 'all' if not set.
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